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LinkedIn Features You Probably Didn’t Know Existed

There was a time when most people thought that LinkedIn was only useful during a job search. But as the site has continued to grow and develop, it has become the leading social network for professionals across countless industries. So whether you’re interested in finding new leads, networking or simply want to learn new strategies that you can apply to your business, LinkedIn is the place to go.

Why Your Company Needs a Social Media Policy

One of the best ways for companies to get more out of their social media efforts is to get their employees involved. Not only does including employees in social media make it easier to consistently produce content, but having multiple perspectives is interesting for customers and other individuals who follow or encounter your company on social media.

Tips for Planning a Website Redesign

If your business has a website but it’s not generating the results you want, it may be a sign that a redesign is needed. While there are a lot of things that can hold a website back from performing the way a business wants, the good news is any and all issues can be addressed through a redesign.

How to Measure Social Media Marketing Performance

Social media is something that businesses of all sizes should be using. Social channels make it possible to reach people who are interested in the products and services you offer. In addition to reaching them, the ongoing nature of social media means you can build the necessary level of trust that’s needed for someone to buy from your business.