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Why Builderfly Merchants Should Consider Selling on Amazon

Today, many successful online sellers are trying hard to meet their shoppers wherever they shop online, and offering their products many chances to be seen, purchased and liked by more and more customers and what’s more to get started by adding Amazon. Regardless of whether you’re just starting or you already have your own successful online store, here are four reasons why you should think about selling on Amazon.

How your E-commerce Business can Make More Money Using Instagram

Over one billion users log on to Instagram every month, and 50% of those utilize the popular image app every single day. With the addition of shoppable posts and stories on Instagram, those 500 million users can now easily become your customers. As per the Facebook study, nearly 70% of Instagram users find new products using the Instagram App, and over 130 million visitors click on shoppable posts each month.

7 Things you can do to Increase your Online Sales this Holiday

Attracting customers to the shopping portal by just establishing an online presence is not enough. Rather, one has to put efforts to boost the ecommerce holiday sales so that the store gets identified by the customers in the festive season. The holiday season is the most rewarding time for the ecommerce store owners to increase overall sales.

4 Last-minute Ideas to Boost Sales Over the Holidays

Get here 4 last minute ideas to boost your ecommerce sales during holiday season. Likewise you can have more ideas or you can ask our experts for more ideas. Many posts about ecommerce over the holidays urge you to get started early. But the great news is it’s never too late to set up a discount, sale, or deal in your store. As long as the holidays are still happening, you can take a couple of minutes to get in on the holiday action. Try these last-minute holiday sale ideas now, or the next time a holiday rolls around.

How to Upload a Logo with Builderfly for your Ecommerce Store

A logo is a mixture of images and texts. It is the visual symbolization of your company as well as your brand. The logo must be strong enough to create brand awareness among the viewers and buyers. When it comes to an ecommerce store, it is essential to create a high-quality logo that is professionally designed to lure customers into purchasing products from the store.

How to Set Up a New Theme with the Builderfly Store

Builderfly is a completely do-it-yourself platform that lets you design your online store as well as a mobile app – your way. The power of customization is completely provided to a Builderfly user. You can customize your online store and mobile app using professionally designed themes and templates. Each theme is designed based on different ecommerce industries. All you have to do is choose your theme, customize, and define the look of your store with Builderfly.

How to Change Fonts Background Color and Images in Builderfly

Builderfly is a revolutionary online store and mobile app builder with the powerful use of Artificial Intelligence. Any individual can create a completely customizable online store and a personalized native mobile app using the power of AI without being a technical expert. Builderfly customers can design their store their way and focus on selling their products to the maximum customers.

New Ways to Market Your Items Featured Products on Your Homepage

Keep innovating new ways to market your products on your ecommerce store. Find here, how featured products can boost your overall sales and how to choose them. Your homepage is the most visited place in your store. It’s the page where your customers start looking at the storefront. You might want to excite your customers with your homepage content by highlighting your best-selling product, a special offer, or a new item.

4 Payment Gateways you can’t Miss for your Builderfly Store

Builderfly is an all-inclusive online store and mobile app builder that uses the power of Artificial Intelligence. Any individual can create a completely customizable online store and a personalized native mobile app using the power of AI without being a technical expert. Builderfly customers can design their store their way and focus on selling their products to the maximum customers.

How to Draw Attention to your Ecommerce Store in a Crowded Marketplace

There are many store owners with many products at marketplaces. Learn tips & tricks to draw attention to your ecommerce store in such a crowded marketplace.

Online sales in the age of Amazon can be difficult for sellers of common products like chocolates, coffee, and candles. To get you started, here are four ways to boost your sales and avoid getting drowned out by similar, mass-produced products competing for the same buyers.

Do I need a designer or developer to set up a Builderfly Ecommerce store

Builderfly is the do-it-yourself ecommerce platform. Creating a store using it doesn't require a designer or programmer. Anyone can build an ecommerce store. Creating an online store is the best way to boost business as well as the clientele base. It might seem to be a challenging task for first-time users. With the advancement of online store builders, anyone can create a beautiful online store without having proficiency in HTML and coding. A user can manage his/her online store easily without worrying about hefty investments or lack of technical knowledge.

Tips for solving photo alignment and photo sizing challenges in Builderfly themes

Get tips & tricks on how to solve challenges of photo alignment & photo sizing in Builderfly ecommerce themes during customization. No designing skill required.
If you are a store owner, you might agree that images play an important role in the performance of the online ecommerce stores. When uploading product images in your Builderfly store, the major factors to be considered are quality and striking product photography. Great product images play a vital role in converting your website viewers into your customers within a short span.

How to Customize the Builderfly Homepage of Webstore and Mobile Theme

An expert view on tips and tricks for customization of your Builderfly store's homepage for both ecommerce website and mobile app theme. Learn how simple it is! Builderfly is the go-to ecommerce builder when it comes to creating online stores or enhancing the existing ones. You can create astounding online stores with Builderfly using the lucrative customization options. Both, the Builderfly storefront as well as the app front can be customized using ready-to-use themes, images, font, styles, colors, and much more.

6 Google Chrome Extensions for Ecommerce Business Owners

Find here 6 powerful recommendation from Builderfly expert of Google Chrome Extensions to enhance performance of your ecommerce business. These are must haves. As the app where you likely spend most of your time on your computer, your browser is helpful for much more than simply “browsing” the internet. There’s a lot of features you can unlock by customizing your browser with extensions to better suit your needs—particularly if you’re an entrepreneur.