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How to monetize ecommerce Blog content

Starting and monetizing an ecommerce blog has never been easier than it is today. Not too long ago, creating an ecommerce website would’ve cost you thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars to set up and maintain. Monetizing an ecommerce website was just as tough. PayPal was in its infancy, email marketing was nowhere near as flexible as it is now and Stripe didn’t exist.

4 Reasons Why Customers aren’t Buying from You

Understanding your buyer and the reasons why they don't buying is important to deliver creative, captivating communication and provide the service of the close.

You’ve got your product arranged beautifully in your ecommerce store. The doors are open, your Google Business profile is up-to-date and accurate, but your employees say they love coming into work in a peaceful atmosphere where they aren’t driven mad by people constantly trying to give them money.

6 Amazing Tips to Boost Your Ecommerce Marketing ROI

Sometimes, ecommerce marketing can feel like a one in a million guesses. You follow all the best practices and work with an experienced firm, but how do you know that your efforts are reaching to desired results? Measuring the ROI of your ecommerce marketing strategy can enable you to track your progress. If you’re seeing too little ROI, there are a few different ways you can boost those numbers and produce long-lasting success.

3 Best Shipping Strategy for your Online Store

A proper shipping strategy or lack of it can affect ecommerce sales in a big way. Here's a lowdown at some shopping strategies and how you can use them. Let’s start with the most surefire way to attract ecommerce customers, at least in the domestic market, Free Shipping.

3 Design Tactics for your Builderfly Store

Suppose you and your friends wanted to sell some snowboarding equipment online. You didn’t like any of the ecommerce platforms available, so you develop your own. Now imagine that your new ecommerce platform sells superior to anything your snowboard gear. That, in a nutshell, is how Builderfly was born.

3 Best Ecommerce Website Layout Considerations Proven to Increase Sales

What does your ecommerce store have in common with a children’s book? They both communicate with pictures and words. Even though you may have never thought of it in this exact way, your store is narrating a story to your customers. What’s more, how you tell that story will lead potential customers to choose if doing business with you is in their best interest.

3 best practices to decrease fraudulent purchases during high traffic periods

Are you feeling the rush of more traffic, more orders? How about stress? Regardless of whether it’s a sale, a holiday, or an event, a spike in the number of guests to your site can put a strain on your operations. Learn how to tackle fraudulent purchases during high traffic periods. Prevent fraud e-commerce purchases during high sales time or in pick season of the year.

How to Use a Builderfly Theme to Design Your Online Store

Starting an online store is a great way to expand the market for your current physical store or simply launch a business without the high cost of a brick and mortar store. What’s more, it’s not as hard as it once was. Rather than hiring a developer to program a custom platform for you, you can choose from dozens of available ecommerce platforms and get your store up and running in a matter of hours.

Color Psychology for Ecommerce

When it comes to color and eCommerce, nothing's ever black and white. Let's look at color psychology, and how they can help you in getting the best results.

Let’s begin with the basics, which for this situation means color theory. Basically, it’s the science and art of colors that looks at how we perceive, mix, and apply them. Color theory strives to create a logical structure for using color, and it all begins with the oh-so-familiar color wheel.

7 Perfect Font Pairing for your Ecommerce Website

Scientists claim you have about 10-20 seconds to catch users’ attention before they leave your site for parts unknown. So you truly want to make that first 10 seconds count. Pairing the best fonts for ecommerce stores is not an exact science, but general rule designers like to follow is that opposites attract.

How to Optimize your Product Pages to Boost Conversions 5 Expert Tips

If you want to level up your product page game, check out five of these best ways to boost your product page conversions. Though the ecommerce industry is seeing rapid growth, many brands struggle to boost their ecommerce conversions. Most of them focus on improving their carts and checkout pages to increase sales. But a majority of customers don’t even reach that point.

How to Integrate Payment Gateways with the Online Shopping Cart Builderfly

Today we will provide an overview of some of the most popular Builderfly payment gateways for your store and how to integrate them.
Payment gateways or online payment processors are essential to every ecommerce store. Without them, you would not be able to receive payments from your customers. Depending on where you are located in the world there are hundreds of different payment gateways to choose from.

How to Optimize Ecommerce Images for More Sales

How much attention do you pay to your store’s image optimization? Often, brands get caught up on overthinking a logo – spending days, weeks or even months before they launch a great idea just trying to figure out what symbol is appropriate for a brand they haven’t even started yet.