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5 Ways to Increase and Improve your Customer Reviews

Online reviews matter to us, and they matter to our consumers. Nobody desire to spend money or valuable time on something that is going to result in an awful experience. Not when they might have the option to stop it. Customer review helps facilitate the minds of consumers and persuades them that purchasing your product will solve their issues.

7 Amazing Abandoned Cart Emails And what you can learn from them

It's important to realize that customers frequently abandon their carts. And, Cart abandonment emails are proven methods to recover these lost deals.
Cart abandonment is a pressing challenge for online marketers. You’re running a successful ecommerce store. You’ve figured out your ecommerce platform, organized your marketing, got a good level of traffic, and are sending regular emails to keep in touch with your customers.

How to Build an Effective Buyer Persona Strategy for your Online Store

Is your marketing connecting with your customers? Are you treating them like genuine, live people and not simply order numbers? To create truly effective marketing strategies, you need buyer personas. you need basic data that gives them a shape, however, there’s other information you need to gather that brings them to life and identify one persona from another.

How to Sell Products on Instagram

Instagram is the perfect place to visually lure the audience to buy your products. Bring in more web traffic with the following guide.
If you are a social media junkie, you might have come across many sponsored ads on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Top brands such as Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Starbucks have been using Instagram to market their business and inspire millions on the go. They make the best use of Instagram by connecting with their audience to establish and empower their brand.

What are the benefits of selling products at Flipkart online marketplace

Over the last few years, many retailers have enrolled themselves in online marketplaces like Flipkart. On one hand, the digital space gives these sellers a chance to reach out to thousands of customers across the country, and on the other, the marketplaces are offering service models that are extraordinarily designed to help small sellers make more out of less.

The Guide to Running a Successful Flash Sales to Boost Profit Fast

It looks like quite an effective strategy, and it is — if you take care of everything before you commence. As good as it may sound, a flash sale is not only about offering a discount and throwing a deadline. You need to take into account various factors that ensure a successful or ill-fated outcome. That is the reason we are here to tell you how to make your first flash sale productive.

How to create your online store in 5 simple steps Builderfly

Are you ready to learn how to set up your own ecommerce store? Maybe you just came up with an amazing product idea and now you’d like to see if people are ready to buy it. Well, you’re in luck, because you no longer have to be an experienced web developer to build an online shop in less than 15 minutes with Builderfly.

5 Ecommerce Email Marketing Tips to 5X your Conversion Rate

Ecommerce email marketing is both a science and an art. Here is the best advice for brands looking to improve the performance of their email marketing efforts. The most significant aspect of running an independent ecommerce website is your ability to build an email list. This is proprietary data nobody else on the web has but you. It is your advantage over the competition. It is your vehicle for building esteem and engaged relationships with your customers. It is a key mechanism for how you increase customer lifetime value and effectively predict the direction of your business.

5 Smart Ways to Grow Your Newsletter List

Learn here ways to grow your email subscriber list from newsletter subscriptions. 5 tips and tricks are mentioned here to grow newsletter list with huge emails. Building email lists has clear benefits for online retailers. For one, sending the newsletter is the way to reach your customers’ most private communication channel — their inbox. It is additionally cheaper than most channels.