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GREENMAX EPS foam compactor APOLO C100 for sale

GREENMAX EPS foam compactor APOLO C100 are compactors used to handle waste loose EPS foam. Once the waste EPS foam is dropped off to the compactor, an onsite machine cuts the foam into small pieces and then cold-compacts it at a ratio of 50:1. INTCO Recycling Offer GREENMAX EPS compactor A-C100 for EPS recycling and purchase back EPS Blocks. Applicable materials include EPS(Styrofoam), PSP(Polystyrene Paper), XPS(Extruded Polystyrene).

You can recycle polystyrene and other tricky items in Atlanta

ATLANTA — Do you have items in your house you really want to get rid of, but don't want them to end up in the dump? It's a problem in north Georgia that's all too common: recycling companies only take limited types of plastics, cardboard and aluminum cans.

Most do not accept glass, thin plastics, and other household materials.

Dedication of foam recycling

Partnering with several local groups, the First Presbyterian Church in Greensboro, North Carolina, has added a recycling trailer to help expand their collection efforts for EPS foam.

A New Act of Gilford

This year Gilford plans to start Styrofoam recycling and purchase a Styrofoam densifier to process waste and reduce the expense of the landfill.