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Emotional IntelligenceIn The Age Of AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly advancing, as seen by the explosion of chatbots developed by OpenAI, Anthropic, Google, Microsoft, and others. While AI delivers enormous productivity gains, it lacks human emotional intelligence — the ability to understand, empathize, and connect on an emotional level.

Building a Sustainable and Resilient Workforce with Upskilling and Reskilling

Upskilling and reskilling refer to acquiring new skills and knowledge to upgrade an individual’s capabilities. Both upskilling and reskilling are important in building a sustainable and resilient workforce, as it enables individuals to develop the skills necessary to adapt to the evolving needs of a workplace, and, therefore, contribute effectively to the organization’s success.

Talking AI-Powered Learning Experiences And Extended Realities

Knowing what types of immersive learning an organization’s learner will adapt to will help in creating a targeted roadmap. Learning leaders need to have a good understanding of immersive learning to educate internal stakeholders, learners, and IT. Building a partnership with IT enables synergy to address technical requirements and needed technology during the planning stage of the strategy.

Measuring The Effectiveness And Impact Of DE&I Training

The diversity, equity and inclusion movement started as a reaction to injustice. But it really is a business imperative whose ultimate success depends on embedding the values of DE&I holistically across organizations, so everyone accepts differences between people as a strength that drives innovation, collaboration and evolution.

How AI in Training is Transforming Learning Technology

Many L&D leaders lack a full understanding of AI. As the application of AI in training evolves, these technologies can enhance engagement and optimize learning outcomes. In this article, we will explore some landscape-changing AI technologies used in eLearning. Understanding the Benefits of AI Business leaders must see AI as a tool that empowers humans and enables leaders to dedicate their time to creative thinking and innovation. By automating repetitive tasks and providing valuable insights, AI frees up valuable time, allowing leaders to focus on higher-level activities that drive progress and generate innovative ideas. Ultimately, this fosters a culture of creativity and innovation. Some of the AI-enabled benefits that are available to an organization include:

Increased efficiency and scalability: The use of AI in training, and broader operational applications, improves efficiency by automating tasks, minimizing errors, and optimizing resource allocation. It enhances scalability by handling large volumes of data and enabling processes to adapt and scale more effectively.

Increased ROI: AI can increase ROI by helping organizations learn how to improve operational efficiency. It can highlight areas for optimizing resource allocation and build employee capabilities for data-driven decision-making. AI technology can also help to enhance customer experiences and foster innovation for a competitive edge.

Virtual coaching: Using AI in training and virtual coaching enables organizations to provide real-time access to expert knowledge, enhancing performance outcomes. Through virtual platforms, employees can receive immediate guidance, feedback, and support from coaches or mentors. This enables individuals to address challenges at the time of need and in the moment of need. It helps them develop skills and make informed decisions, ultimately driving improved performance, productivity, and professional growth across the organization.

Interactive simulations and gamification: AI can develop interactive simulations and role-playing scenarios that adapt in real-time to learners’ needs, thereby boosting productivity. By analyzing user responses and behaviors, AI algorithms can dynamically adjust the simulation and game-based content, difficulty level, and feedback, to optimize learning outcomes. This personalized approach ensures learners receive targeted, engaging experiences that accelerate skill development, problem-solving abilities, and decision-making skills, leading to enhanced productivity in the workplace.

To understand the benefits of AI, business leaders need to have a clear vision of the organizational goals and challenges that AI can address. They must also be aware of the ethical and social implications that AI may entail. By being aware of the potential and limitations of AI, informed and responsible decisions can be made about its use and development.

A Quick Reference Guide on Accessibility Standards

Accessibility in learning is an essential component in developing eLearning content that people with a range of abilities can easily access. Accessibility standards provide instructional and graphic designers with the much-needed guidance to design accessible eLearning content that all learners – including those with disabilities – are able to access. Accessible content benefits all learners and improves personal and organizational .