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Eye Examination and vision assessment are vital for the detection of conditions that result in blindness, signify serious systemic disease, lead to problems with school performance, or at worst, and threaten the child’s life. Through careful evaluation of the ocular system, retinal abnormalities, cataracts, glaucoma, retinoblastoma, strabismus, and neurologic disorders can be identified, and prompt treatment of these conditions can save vision or even life. Examination of the eyes should be performed beginning in the newborn period and at all well-child visits. Visual acuity measurement should be performed at the earliest possible age that is practical (usually at approximately 3 years of age). Early detection and prompt treatment of ocular disorders in children is important to avoid lifelong permanent visual impairment.

Can eyesight be improved naturally in kids Ask Dr Shalini

With the alarming number of vision-related problems in kids, you will be looking for ways to ensure your child’s healthy vision and best eyesight from toddler to college years. The lack of time outdoors along with the increased use of technology are the leading reasons for the eyesight problems faced by children. Spending too much time watching television, scouring the internet on a computer, playing games on mobile phones or reading on digital tablets can be harmful to your child’s health and especially affect their eyesight.

Myopia Control Clinic - Samyak

Best eye doctor in Ghaziabad | Best eye hospital in Ghaziabad Samyak Eye Care Clinic is one of the Best Eye Hospitals in Ghaziabad. We have the best eye doctor for eye care treatment and surgeries. Do visit us.

"Dr. Shalini Jain's Samyak Eye Care Clinic, 18, Gaur Heights Business Complex, Opposite Chandra Laxmi Hospital, Sector 4, Vaishali, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh - 201010, India".


Eye Exams Vital to your child’s education

A healthy vision is important for a child to perform daily tasks in the classroom such as reading, writing, chalkboard work and using computers. Children's eyes are of great use while they engage in sports and games which are also a crucial part of the learning process. Education and sports participation will become difficult if your child has any vision problems.

The demand for visual ability will increase as children further in education. As children progress through classes, the size of print in textbooks becomes smaller and the time required for reading and studying increases. The increased workload and homework make them more dependent on vision. Parents should ensure the proper functioning of children’s vision so that they can excel in education.

Can vision therapy slow down Myopia?

Myopia commonly known as nearsightedness or shortsightedness is the inability to see far objects or images clearly. A person with Myopia will find it difficult to see road signs, the television or a clock on the wall. While both adults and children are at risk of myopia development and progression, 40% of the people affected are under the age of 17. Myopia is the condition in which the axial length of the eye grows too long or the cornea or eye lens becomes too curved relative to the eyeball length. Instead of focusing on images directly on the retina, a myopic person will focus on images in front of the retina which can result in blurry distant vision.

Myopia can be corrected in different methods like using corrective eyeglasses or contact lenses that eye doctors denote by a negative sign such as -1.00 or -2.25 in their optical prescription. Vision therapy is effective and appropriate for myopia that occurs due to a lack of eye focusing skills. Vision therapy mostly involves a personalized treatment process that improves focusing abilities by training the visual system, including the eye-brain connection to function more efficiently. Vision therapy helps reduce the risk of developing progressive myopia by improving focusing skills.

Vision therapy is best known as a process to help children and adults with eye turn, lazy eye or learning difficulties. Most parents are still unfamiliar with the effectiveness of vision therapy in preventing, reducing or slowing down the progression of myopia in children. While there isn’t yet any cure found for Myopia, vision therapy is recommended by eye doctors as it may target certain factors that contribute to the progression of Myopia.