Granite Countertops Care Maintenance Guide Fortador

If you want to have a glossy finish on you granite countertops, apply just a few drops of vegetable oil on a dry microfiber and wipe it. Then, use a clean microfiber to buff the finish to reveal a shiny surface. Put some dishwashing soap in a spray bottle with water and shake it up. Keep that bottle of dishwashing liquid in handy when cleaning granite counters so you do not have to prepare this concucsion everytime you clean. If you tend to not wipe up spills on granite counters right when it happens, think about putting a matt when you are at the counter. This will prevent the drinks or food from directly getting on the granite.

Many favor granite counters in their kitchen, but majority does not even know to take care of such fine stone. It is important to keep up with the maintenance of such beautiful choice of interior design, and this is where this article comes in handy.

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