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How to get an extended version of Kasperaky secure connection?

After installation of Kaspersky if you wish to get a paid and extended version of the same then in that case, connect your application to “My kaspersky” account then buy and activate the subscription for Kaspersky secure connection, for buying connect your application to my Kaspersky then click “get more” further click “buy now” then further follow the steps to complete the procedure, then get the software activated with the help of activation code.

How to run Avg at start up?

If you are facing problem while running Avg at start up then for that open the Avg user interface then click the security tab then from the menu on the left side of the interface click on “antivirus” this will open the scan now section then scroll down to the “boot time scan” section given at the bottom then click on “schedule now” button then next time when you will restart the system the scan will then start running automatically.