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Voice Your Way to Ordering - VOICEplug AI at STARTUP ALLEY MURTEC 2023 MURTEC 2023: Unveiling Future Trends in Restaurant Tech | VOICEplug AI Showcases Innovative Solutions

VOICEplug AI stood out in the STARTUP ALLEY at MURTEC 2023, captivating guests with its breakthrough voice AI food ordering solutions for restaurants and drive-thrus. Witness for yourself how this event created a dynamic platform for networking with tech-savvy restaurateurs, revealing new ordering options, and refining your company strategy. Take advantage of the chance to be at the forefront of restaurant innovation!

How AI can improve customer experience in restaurants

Restaurants are turning to drive-thrus and AI restaurant technologies. These systems can provide customers with personalized service, and real-time feedback. With these, restaurants can improve the customer's overall experience. Here in this article, we have explained key points about how AI can improve the customer experience in restaurants.

AI for Restaurant

VOICEplug enables restaurants to offer an interactive and conversational ordering experience by automating food ordering over the phone and drive-thru while reducing cost and increasing average check size per order.