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Effective Fitness Marketing Techniques

We live in a world where a lot of people are constantly searching for ways on how to stay fit. They are more conscious with what they eat and they love keeping an active lifestyle. This is the reason why there are a lot of businessmen and fitness buffs who make their own gyms or health clubs. If you happen to be someone who also wants to get into this kind of business, then you should be aware of

The Truth About Getting Firm, Flat Abs

One of the biggest goals that all people have with personal training and weight loss is getting firm, flat abs. That's what we all want, and we all know the only way to get there is by spending hours performing hundreds and hundreds of situps and crunches, right?

Not so fast. When you want to get great abs, you don't need to do any situps. In fact, these have been proven to be ineffec

What Drives A Person to Exercise?

There are many reasons why people choose to exercise, become healthier, or try their hand at bodybuilding. As a personal trainer or fitness specialist, it is helpful to have a grasp on some of the personality theories best fit your clients so that you can target your motivation specifically at what drives them the most. While the three example theories that are discussed below, in my opinion, are

Top 3 Apps For Losing Weight

Sodas are larger, burgers have extra patties, and everywhere you look people are complaining about weight gain. The average weight in the United States and other countries is higher than it was even ten years ago; deaths from preventable diseases linked to obesity are common. There are lots of reasons why belts need a few new notches, but the most important thing is changing things up.