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What should you know about CISCO’s high-severity zero-day vulnerabilities

More than 40000 devices were affected by Cisco zero-day vulnerabilities CVE-2023-20198 and 2023-20273, impacting the operations of many businesses worldwide. SharkStriker shows a way to be prepared against them. CVE 2023-20198 – CISCO’s maximum severity zero-day vulnerabilities

Cisco has issued an alert over its critical zero-day vulnerability detected in their IOS XE software range.

The vulnerability is targeted toward systems that have HTTP/HTTP servers turned on. More than 40000 Cisco devices are now affected by this vulnerability, with 10,000 Cisco devices found with an implant for arbitrary code execution.

The critical vulnerability CVE-2023-20198 is assigned a severity rating of 10. That is the highest rating given on a CVSS vulnerability severity scale. It is present in the Web UI component of IOS XE software.

This vulnerability allows privilege escalation that enables an attacker to gain a full takeover of the system in that he has implanted the malware to. It means that cyber attackers can exploit this vulnerability to hijack a CISCO router and gain control of it.

The countries that are impacted the most by this vulnerability include the US, the Philippines, Mexico, Chile, and India.

24/7 SOC as a service | SharkStriker

Gain round the clock comprehensive security from a team of cybersecurity analysts and cyber security experts with SharkStriker’s SOC as a service. A 24/7/365 Security Operations Center (SOC) is crucial for several reasons:

Continuous Threat Monitoring: Cyber threats can occur at any time, day or night. Having a SOC that operates around the clock ensures that potential threats are identified and addressed promptly, reducing the risk of a successful attack.

Swift Incident Response: In the event of a security incident, time is of the essence. A 24/7 SOC allows for immediate response to breaches, minimizing damage and preventing further compromise.

Global Reach and Coverage: Cyberattacks are not confined to specific time zones or regions. Having a SOC that operates continuously ensures that your organization is protected regardless of its geographical location.

Real-Time Threat Intelligence: The cybersecurity landscape is constantly evolving. A SOC that operates 24/7 can monitor emerging threats in real-time, enabling organizations to adapt their defenses accordingly.

Compliance Requirements: Many industries and regulatory bodies require organizations to have continuous monitoring and incident response capabilities in place. A 24/7 SOC helps maintain compliance with these standards. More details for visit:

SIEM as a service by sharkstriker

Hunt and avert threats before they haunt you with a human-led tech-driven solution that gives you 360-degree visibility, continuous monitoring, and compliance management all from a single platform STRIEGO. Gain the freedom to choose with predictable asset-based pricing and cloud/on-premise deployment. "SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) as a service is a cloud-based solution that offers a centralized platform for monitoring and managing an organization's security events and incidents. Here are several ways SIEM as a service can benefit your organization:

1. Real-time Threat Detection: SIEM tools continuously monitor network traffic and log data in real time. They can quickly identify and alert on suspicious activities or security incidents, allowing for a rapid response.

2. Improved Incident Response: SIEM solutions provide a comprehensive view of security events, allowing your security team to investigate and respond to incidents more effectively. This can lead to faster resolution times and reduced potential damage.

3. Compliance and Reporting: SIEM helps in achieving compliance with various industry regulations and standards (like GDPR, HIPAA, PCI-DSS, etc.). It streamlines the process of generating compliance reports, making audits much easier to handle.

4. Centralized Log Management: SIEM collects and correlates log data from multiple sources, such as firewalls, servers, applications, and more. This centralization simplifies the analysis process and enables a more holistic view of your organization's security posture.

5. Threat Intelligence Integration: Many SIEM services integrate with threat intelligence feeds. This allows for the automatic correlation of events with known threats, improving the accuracy of threat detection.

6. Anomaly Detection: SIEM tools utilize machine learning algorithms to establish a baseline of normal behavior. When deviations occur, they can be flagged as potential security incidents. This is particularly valuable for detecting insider threats.

7. Reduced False Positives: Through sophisticated correlation and analysis, SIEM can help reduce the number of false positive alerts that overwhelm security teams, allowing them to focus on genuine threats.

8. Scalability and Flexibility: SIEM as a service is typically hosted in the cloud, offering scalability based on the organization's needs. This means you can easily expand or contract your security infrastructure as your organization grows or changes.

9. Cost-Efficiency: Cloud-based SIEM solutions often offer a more cost-effective approach compared to traditional on-premises deployments. They eliminate the need for large upfront investments in hardware and maintenance.

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Critical CVIS 10-rated Zero-day Webp vulnerability wildly exploited Reassigned to CVE-2023-5129

Google’s libwebp based zero-day vulnerability is now reassigned to CVE 2023-5129. It is wildly exploited. Attackers are using webp images to transmit malicious codes to extract sensitive information from their victims. Google released a security fix for a critical vulnerability that affected Google Chrome for Windows, macOS, and Linux. The vulnerability was given the CVE ID as CVE-2023-4863 and has been given a severity of 8.8 (High).

On analyzing the vulnerability, it was discovered that a heap buffer overflow vulnerability existed in the libwebp library that a threat actor can exploit to perform out-of-bounds memory write via a crafted HTML page.

However, this vulnerability was resubmitted by Google, which is now tracked as CVE-2023-5129. It was later found that CVE-2023-41064 and this vulnerability were similar and affected the same libwebp library.

Threat actors exploited this particular library during the BLASTPASS exploit chain attack for deploying the NSO’s Pegasus Spyware. Though both of these vulnerabilities had different CVE IDs and were released by different vendors, they both affect the same library. More details for visit our website:

STRIEGO by SharkStriker A holistic cybersecurity platform

A unified multi-tenant open architecture human-led AI/ML-driven security platform designed to meet the cybersecurity needs of today and tomorrow. SharkStriker Striego is a multi-tenant, open-architecture, human-led AI/ML-driven security platform designed to solve the most immediate challenges in cybersecurity and compliance. It helps organizations by providing them with a single stop for all their cybersecurity and compliance needs. It is managed by a dedicated team that can implement the best practices in the industry, helping businesses make the most of their existing cybersecurity investments. More details for visit our website:

What is Incident Response why do organizations need it

Incident response comprises all the security measures taken to detect, respond and contain a cyber incident such as data breach or a ransomware attack. Incident Response (IR) is a structured approach used by organizations to address and manage the aftermath of a cybersecurity incident. A cybersecurity incident refers to any event that poses a threat to the security of an organization's information systems, networks, or data. These incidents can range from malware infections and data breaches to denial-of-service attacks and insider threats.

Here are the key components of an Incident Response process:

Preparation: This phase involves setting up the necessary policies, procedures, and resources for effective incident handling. It includes tasks such as creating an incident response plan, defining roles and responsibilities, and establishing communication channels.

Identification: In this phase, organizations work to detect and identify potential incidents. This involves monitoring systems, network traffic, and logs for unusual or suspicious activities that may indicate a security breach.

Containment: Once an incident is identified, the focus shifts to limiting the scope and impact of the incident. This might involve isolating affected systems, blocking malicious network traffic, or taking other steps to prevent further damage.

Eradication: After containment, efforts are made to remove the root cause of the incident. This could involve removing malware, patching vulnerabilities, or implementing other measures to ensure the same incident doesn't occur again.

Recovery: The goal of this phase is to restore normal operations as quickly and safely as possible. This might involve restoring data from backups, reconfiguring systems, and ensuring that all security measures are in place.

Lessons Learned (Post-Incident Analysis): After an incident has been resolved, it's crucial to conduct a thorough analysis of the incident. This involves understanding how the incident occurred, what vulnerabilities were exploited, and what steps can be taken to prevent similar incidents in the future. More details for visit our website:

What is Whaling attacks? how to prevent them | SharkStriker

Whaling attacks are a kind of phishing attacks aimed towards the top management executives. Safeguard your email by double checking them for syntax, mail protection software etc. A whaling attack, also known as a whaling phishing attack or a CEO fraud, is a highly targeted form of phishing attack that specifically targets high-profile individuals within an organization, such as executives, high-ranking officials, or other individuals with significant decision-making authority. The term "whaling" is used because the attackers are "harpooning" the "big fish" in the organization. In a whaling attack, the attacker typically poses as a trusted entity, often using email or other electronic communication methods, and attempts to deceive the target into taking a specific action. This action might involve providing sensitive information (such as login credentials or financial details), transferring funds, or clicking on a malicious link or attachment. More details for visit our website:

What Is the MITRE ATTCK Framework Get the 101 Guide

The MITRE ATT&CK framework helps cyber security experts gain accurate information on the latest TTPs deployed by attackers from an adversarial point of view, assisting defense experts to design their defenses with precision. The MITRE ATT&CK Framework is a globally recognized and widely used knowledge base that categorizes and describes the various tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) employed by adversaries during cyberattacks. "ATT&CK" stands for Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge. The framework was developed by MITRE, a not-for-profit organization that operates federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs) in the United States. It provides a structured and comprehensive model for understanding and analyzing the tactics and techniques adversaries use to compromise and operate within a target environment. The MITRE ATT&CK Framework is particularly valuable for:

Threat Intelligence: It helps in characterizing and understanding the behavior of different threat actors, their motives, and their methods of operation. Defensive Security: It assists security teams in building and enhancing their defenses by providing insights into potential attack vectors and techniques that could be leveraged by attackers. Incident Response and Detection: It aids in the development of more effective detection and response strategies by mapping out the stages of an attack and the techniques employed. Red and Blue Teaming Exercises: It serves as a foundation for simulating cyberattacks (Red Team) and assessing defensive capabilities (Blue Team) within an organization.

The MITRE ATT&CK Framework is organized into several categories, including:

Tactics: These represent the high-level goals of an attacker, such as gaining initial access, persistence, privilege escalation, etc. Techniques: These are specific methods or procedures used to accomplish the objectives within each tactic. For instance, a technique under the "Initial Access" tactic might be "Spearphishing Attachment." Sub-techniques: These provide even more granular details about how a technique can be executed.

The framework is continually updated and expanded to incorporate new insights into adversary behavior and evolving cyber threats. It's widely adopted by cybersecurity professionals, organizations, and government agencies around the world as a foundational tool for improving cybersecurity posture. More Details For Visit Our Website:

The rising threat of Blueshell malware for Windows, Mac, and Linux users

Increased number of Windows, Mac and Linux users face the threat of Blueshell malware that is a type of Trojan malware. SharkStriker can assist businesses through EDR and its round the clock SOC team. what is Blueshell malware "Blueshell malware, also known as ""Blueshell"" or ""W32.Blueshell,"" is a type of malicious software (malware) that targets computers running Microsoft Windows operating systems. It is classified as a worm, which means it has the ability to self-replicate and spread to other computers on a network.

Blueshell was first identified in the early 2000s and gained some attention due to its ability to spread rapidly through network shares. It primarily spreads through network shares by exploiting vulnerabilities in the Windows operating system. Once it infects a system, it attempts to propagate itself to other vulnerable computers on the same network.

The name ""Blueshell"" is derived from the blue color of the Windows error screen (commonly referred to as the ""Blue Screen of Death"" or BSOD) and the term ""shell,"" which refers to a command-line interface in computing.

It's important to note that as of my last knowledge update in September 2021, Blueshell was not considered a prevalent or widely active threat. However, malware landscapes are constantly evolving, so it's crucial to keep your systems updated with the latest security patches and use reliable antivirus software to protect against various types of malware, including Blueshell. If you suspect your system may be infected with Blueshell or any other malware, it's recommended to seek assistance from a qualified cybersecurity professional or use reputable antivirus and anti-malware tools to remove the threat." To protect against potential threats like Blueshell or any other malware, users on all platforms should: "Keep their operating systems and software up-to-date with the latest security patches. Use reliable antivirus and anti-malware software. Exercise caution when downloading files or clicking on links, especially from unfamiliar or suspicious sources. Regularly back up important data to an external source." Read full blog here: The rising threat of Blueshell malware for Windows, Mac, and Linux users More Details for visit our website:

End-to-end compliance management service for Essential Eight

SharkStriker provides you the right team of compliance and cybersecurity experts for guiding you step-by-step for identifying and implementing all the requisite measures for compliance. What is the Essential Eight ? The Essential 8 is a set of mitigation strategies developed by the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) to help organizations to better protect against cyber threats. It was first introduced in June 2017 as part of ASCS's Strategies to Mitigate Cyber Security Incidents, prioritized mitigation measures to help cyber security professionals in all organizations in managing cyber security incidents caused by a range of cyber threats. The Essential 8 are supposed to be the most effective out of Strategies to Mitigate Cyber Security Incidents. Put simply, they are 8 actions that an organization can take to reduce the likelihood and impact of a cyber security incident. Moreover, proactively implementing the Essential Eight can be more cost-effective in terms of time, money, and effort than responding to a large-scale cyber security event. More Details For Visit: