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Death to User Fees

Proteus Discovery Group is the first Relativity partner to eliminate user fees for RelativityOne clients.relativity one, relativity software, ediscovery, ediscovery software, ediscovery process, ediscovery services consulting, ediscovery consulting services, ediscovery data sources, relativity certified partners, ediscovery office 365, trends in ediscovery, predictive coding ediscovery, ediscovery processing

Understanding the Process of Legal Document Review

Document review is a stage in the legal and litigation process. A case's parties sort and evaluate pertinent facts and documents. Documents that are regarded as too sensitive or privileged are not produced, however this is usually assessed through a separate document review . A document review…

Data breach what are the next steps to bounce back

A good approach to data security is to keep it secure at rest, in transit, and in use. When combined with solutions that emphasize this approach, such as data breach ediscovery security technologies or training programs, adopting a data security perspective can be fundamental to a business.

Why it is necessary to adopt litigation data analysis tools

Litigation analysis helps lawyers manage client expectations by providing clients with information about the estimated cost, duration, and outcome of a lawsuit based on empirical data. Litigation support services increase transparency and shares relevant data to help customers understand litigation strategies at every stage.

The Six Pillars of a Successful Managed Services Relationship

Access to and expertise in relevant technology, flexible staffing models, lower overheads, and simplified pricing are the six pillars of a successful managed services partnership in an ediscovery company environment. When these six pillars are in place, the managed services partnership will result in more satisfied internal and external law firm clients and increased caseload year over year.

What is ediscovery and what are its advantages

Organizations can opt for software applications that work together to protect and safeguard information, as well as to comply with the standards established by the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) whose key areas are: collection, conservation, processing, document review, analysis, and production.