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Brand protection services – Protecting your brand identity

Have you ever pondered what you should do to protect your brand from fraudsters, cybercriminals, and security flaws? Here is our comprehensive reference on brand protection, including with definitions of intellectual property, examples of brand abuse, practical advice for safeguarding your brand, and more. What is brand protection? Protecting a company's and its affiliated brands'

10 Ways Managed Security Services and SOC Can Improve Your Business

Managed security services and SOC can be a powerful tools for businesses to improve their security and compliance. By leveraging the latest technology and best practices, companies can gain a competitive edge and ensure their data is secure even in the epoch where 76% of organizations were targeted by a ransomware attack, of which 64%

How Your Business Can Prevent Ransomware Attacks: 10 Proven Methods

Technology and the cybersecurity measure that guard it both need to advance. Any person or business should prioritize developing a ransomware defense strategy with anti-ransomware services. Without it, users and organizations who are not adequately safeguarded run the danger of losing sensitive information. According to a forecast from Cybersecurity Ventures, there would be one ransomware