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Medical Uses of Foley Balloon Catheter

Controlling the amount of urine that surgical patients produce, monitoring the amount of urine that critically ill patients produce, providing relief from the need to urinate, monitoring the amount of urine that critically ill patients produce, and providing care for patients who are nearing the end of their lives are all reasons to use a catheter.

FOLEY CATHETER| Expoter | Manufacturer | Supplier

FOLEY Balloon CATHETER is a device used for the drainage of urine from the bladder.It is the foremost common type of indwelling urinary catheter. Mais india are the manufacturer and exporter of FOLEY Balloon CATHETER. Place your order,just visit our website-

MAISFLEX IV Cannula Mais India

Buy I.V CANNULA(maisflex) From mains India medical devices at the affordable prices. IV Cannula is available WITH INJECTION PORT AND WINGS WITH INSTANT FLASHBACK CHAMBER(MAISFLEX). Mais India provides the best quality IV cannula product. So, if you want to place an order, just visit our:-