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Automating a NGS Clinical Lab

Automation has revolutionized all kinds of industries today, including biotechnology. With automated solutions, sequencing can also become one of the most effective and efficient laboratory processes.

Avoiding Scope Creep in Lab Automation Projects

Scope creep occurs when you don’t collaborate well with your customers at the start of your project. Objectives were not properly defined, and its scope lacked clarity, causing a disconnect that led to the project lasting longer and costing more than initially estimated.

How to Choose a Robotic Plate Mover

When choosing a robotic plate mover to aid you during your next project or task, these are the key elements to look for, so you get the most functional equipment at your disposal when you need it most.

Best Automate Scheduling Software Solutions - Retisoft

Retisoft offers best automate scheduling software solutions that are effective, customizable, and powerful. The company Genera 6 software integrates with your lab equipment to automate laboratory processes. Contact Retisoft to learn more about how Genera 6 can provide your lab with automate scheduling software solutions

Improving Lab Ergonomics with Automation

In the professional world, repetitive tasks are one of the biggest Issue that anyone working in a lab faces. It is also the primary reason why most laboratories now prefer laboratory automation across all Industries. Technology as we know it is continuing to advance, and this is true for labs worldwide.

Contact Retisoft for Lab Automation Software

Retisoft’s Genera 6 system is our top of the line product for lab automation software. Genera 6 allows users to schedule robotic processes ahead of time, and monitor data and results remotely. Processes can be scheduled for parallel execution with flexible error handling so that scheduling processes runs is simpler than ever.

Reducing Errors with Lab Automation

Laboratory automation solutions can help labs meet their employee safety goals while also improving patient safety. Over the last decade, clinical laboratories have profited from the introduction of new technology and tools. With the increased adoption of fully automated robotics and sample-to-answer molecular platforms, automation has been making big strides.

How Reproducible Data Occurs with Automation

Using automation software is one of the best ways to increase the reproducibility of an experiment. Normal repetitive and tedious tasks in the experiment are prone to human error and are performed by the automated scheduling software, reducing the risks of errors in data collection.