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Simple Ways To Make High Ponytail - DIY Tips - Hairlisious

On a bad hair day, a high ponytail is your best friend, but even on good hair days, it is the same. Thus it is the most versatile hairstyle. Be it any occasion or function, irrespective of your face cut and age, you can simply opt for a high ponytail and step out of the crowd. A high ponytail requires the same technique of a traditional ponytail but has the charm of an updo. Also, just adding a few tips and tricks, you can add volume to the ponytail and make it simply more elegant and charismatic.

Be The Glamorous Self With The Beautiful Waterfall Braid - Hairlisious

Among various aspects of women like her apparel, her makeup, shoe choice, accessory, a hairstyle is something that always adds the final touch. A nice hairstyle can get you to stand apart from the crowd, and a bad hair day can get you all dull.

One hairstyle that is never going to leave the fashion forum must be braiding. It makes styling the hair a lot easier. Braiding in no time can entirely change the look and add a new style to the entire persona.

How To Do Rope Braid? - Hairlisious

These days everybody wants to look more attractive and trending. So they try many styles to add more glamour in their personality. Some of the females only open their hair, which looks great on their faces, and some pin-up their hair with bobby pins, and many try to look more decent and elegant, so they wear rope braids.

You can make a rope braid with many styles; the first one is that you can only braid your front hair and pin it up with bobby pins; a second style that you can try is that braid your hair and create a messy bun which looks beautiful if you are going to a party; another style is that you can braid your hair with double braid. There are many styles that you can make with the rope braid.

Dutch Braiding - Easy To Make! - Hairlisious

Many names have given to the Dutch braid even the Reverse French braid. In fact, the Dutch braid is done very similarly to a French braid, except in Dutch, you cross the strands under instead of over It might look quite complex to a beginner, but it is actually quite simple with practice.

A basic Dutch braid works on most lengths of hair unless you have very short hair;

How To Do Fishtail Braid? - Hairlisious

Undoubtedly a fishtail braid is classy and elegant, and for once, we all have wanted to adorn this style as it is definitely a very elaborate one. It is still apt for the rushed mornings, and if you have long hair, then this for sure is your savior. It looks more beautiful once it starts to get messier and thus is best for the long day.

How To Make A Simple Braid In Three Easy Steps? - Hairlisious

Your hair can be a problem when the summer arrives or when it's a bad hair day. Worried women either cut their hair short or tie them up in a bun but, there is an alternative. The simplest way is to braid the hair nicely, which looks clean and also gives a beautiful profile to your face. While braiding is considered as a tough hairstyle to pull out but with this step by step guide for making a simple braid, braiding can be fun and easy as well.

Easy Hair Care Tips For Curly Hair - Hairlisious

Are you having a bad hair day? That isn’t surely too good while you’re heading towards your office. Anyone with curly or frizzy hair will definitely tell you that it isn’t an easy task to tame them. But what to do when you’re almost in a hurry? This proves to be a tedious job when you want to attend any function or any ceremony.

Taming those curls is like fighting with something that will yield no results. But this is not the end. Google and Youtube are all filled up with those tips and hacks for looking after your stubborn curls.

How To Manage Dry & Damaged Hair - Hairlisious

Beautiful and healthy hair is always a reason to be happy about it. However, often we encounter hair that is dry and damaged. Damaged hair tends to be very brittle, and it breaks and falls off.

All that damaged hair requires is a little bit of care. One of the primary steps of taking care of damaged hair keeping is supple through retaining the moisture content. Here we will show you the remedies that can treat such hair conditions, making it soft and healthy.

Tips To Maintain And Care Colored Hair - Hairlisious

Coloring your hair to cover the grey strands or just experimenting with a new shade, chemicals like ammonia and hydrogen peroxide present in the dyesstrip away shine and moisture from your hair, making them look lifeless, dry, and brittle. It is crucial to take proper care of the crowning glory as hair color may cause short term or permanent damage.

While no color treatment is completely permanent, but some ways can dramatically decrease the fading of your color; avoiding hot water and protect your hair from heat exposure are important tips to prevent hair color. It is important to take good care of your hair as soon as you step out of your hair color appointment. Invest in the right products specially formulated for colored hair, and you’ll end up with even healthier hair ever.

10 Ways To Use Beer For Better Hair Growth! - Hairlisious

A recent report led by a hospital in London said that drinking beer may help improve your skin’s texture, as they are wealthy in antioxidants. It is because of the presence of ferulic acid present in its grain, which is utilized in making beers. As per the examination, this acid is all the more effortlessly consumed by the body from a beer, making it fairly a wonder compound.

Rainbow Hair Color - The Latest Trendy Thing To Try - Hairlisious

Gone are the days, when the blonde and the butter shades or jet black was the only trending hair color. These days people are up for something that can not only add color to their hair. But something that can look stylish, vibrant, and of course, is trending. We have bought something like that only for all you ladies, and that is the rainbow hair color. When we say rainbow, then comes the idea of different glowing shades.

You may feel it kind of weird or wild to try the rainbow shade on your tresses. But we are sure that once you go for it, you will fall in love with your colorful tresses. Below we have listed some of the vivid rainbow hair color styles which are trending these days.

10 Try Temporary Hair Dyes To Give Your Hair A Different Look Each Time - Hairlisious

Switching to anything new and that too forever is a tough job. Every one of us loves change and loves to change. When we talk about styling and fashion, it gets changed very frequently, and that change gets accepted even more frequently. So this is our world of fashion.

If you are a fashion diva who loves to experiment with anything coming new for styling your hair, temporary hair dyes are the best option for you. It will let you enjoy a variety of beautiful colors to style your hair differently and look unique and pro fashion every time you step in the big parties and celebration. This way, you can test new products and determine what color suits you the best and what is not for you.

30 Hottest Haircuts Every Guy Should Try! - Hairlisious

A hairstyle is an essential part of your looks and appearance. If you go wrong with your haircut, you might mess up your whole look. Attractive hairstyles reflect your personality. Men’s hair is more complicated to style than women since their hair is smaller and finer, hence tricky to style. The best haircuts for men keep on changing over time. Do have a look at this article before rushing to the barber; you are your ultimate haircut.

Most Impressive Hairstyles For Men In 2018 - Hairlisious

Why should girls have all the fun? Boys should also have some. With the new year, let's do something new to our hair too. Here is a huge set of new hairstyles for men to try in 2019. The Internet is flooded with various new and funky hairstyles for men, yet we have searched the top ones for you to carry this year. Every season you don’t need to find some new styling for men. But it is quite probable that you might get to see a particular hairstyle which is liked by the majority and continued by people for a long time. After all, hair isn’t like your dresses, which you can say every day.

To obtain a new look/hairstyle, you prefer to visit your hairstylist and salon so that you can get a change or a makeover done. The shortcuts, the incredibly tiny ones, the faded hairstyle, those long tresses for some while bangs for others; hairstyles and likeness depends on person to person. It depends on the man that what he can pull off exceptionally well.

25 Masculine Classy Tapered Fade Haircuts For Men - Hairlisious

Tapered Fade Haircut is evergreen and timeless cut because of the masculine and attractive hairstyle it creates and the variety of looks it brings. It is a versatile style that can be designed with so many variations and ways. It can also be personalized as per the need the client to suit his personality to the best. The tapered cut is one of the oldest stylings in hairdressing and is accepted wholeheartedly by the men for its easy, comfortable, and low maintenance styling.

It gives you a very trendy, stylish, and perfect look for summers. As this style is versatile, some of the best picked tapered hairstyles are collected for you guys to let you decide which one is best for you. You can add your styling into it to make it look perfect on you.

20 Cool Men Hairstyles To Try In 2020 - Hairlisious

Guys, it is the time to go for some trendy and ultra-modern men hairstyles before ending this year. Just leave the same boring old hairstyle and go for a new look to look progressive and trendy. It is always a good idea to opt for nice changes and try a different look. This way, you can look fresh always and become noticed with your trendy style statement.

Here, I am going to share some cool hairstyles for all occasions. Have a look and decide which style is perfect for your personality. Let’s check out these totally cool men’s hair cut.