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Feature Engineering The Secret Behind a Successful Data Science Project

Data Science is not a sector where theoretical knowledge can assist you in starting a career. The projects you work on and the practice you put in determine your chances of success. Feature engineering is a crucial part of any data science project. There are many different methods and ideas behind feature engineering. This skill can be the difference between a business succeeding and failing, so every data scientist should be familiar with it as they develop their skills. With India’s best data science course in Pune , you can master these concepts for your next data science projects.

Data science and Analytics in Food Delivery

Food industries have seen fierce competition over the last decade. However, every owner is figuring out how to stay ahead of the competition. Food industries began to adopt cutting-edge technologies to improve their services. Data analytics and data science are at the top of the list of advanced technologies. With the increasing demand for food delivery, startups and food delivery companies will need to employ Big Data Analytics and Data Science. Data Science can cover a wide range of topics, from delivery rate to food preparation time and delivery routes. For more information on analytics tools and techniques, visit the data analytics course in Pune and become a certified data analyst in top MNCs.