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Top Trends in Household Care Market 2022

The household care sector saw its biggest annual growth increase between 2019 and 2020 in terms of volume and between 2020 and 2021 in terms of value. This is mostly due to the surge in demands for cleaning and sanitizing products brought about by the outbreak of COVID-19. While the virus will continue to be a significant health concern in at least 2022 if not beyond, the demand in household care will slow as consumers become accustomed to more regular spending on products within the category.

Hong Kong – Retail Banking Consumer Profiles

The Hong Kong retail banking market report is part of a series of Hong Kong content including country analysis and competitor benchmarking which looks at five different customer personas in Hong Kong. It explores their financial goals, unmet needs, and banking preferences while providing actionable steps for financial providers to take to achieve high levels of retention and to cross-sell effectively and accordingly.

Musculoskeletal Pain Drugs in Development by Stages Target

Musculoskeletal Pain Drugs in Development by Stages, Target, MoA, RoA, Molecule Type and Key Players provides an overview of the Musculoskeletal Pain pipeline landscape.

The report provides comprehensive information on the therapeutics under development for Musculoskeletal Pain, complete with analysis by Stage of Development, Drug Target, Mechanism of Action (MoA), Route of Administration (RoA) and Molecule Type.

Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Drugs in Development by Therapy Areas

Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) plays an important role in the development and maturation of many tissues. The AHR pipeline market report provides comprehensive information on the AHR targeted therapeutics, complete with analysis by indications, stage of development, mechanism of action (MoA), route of administration (RoA), and molecule type.

Injectable Drug Delivery Pipeline Report including Stages of Development

Injectable drug delivery devices are defined as the administration of a drug into a patient’s blood through a delivery device. The injectable drug delivery pipeline market report provides comprehensive information about the injectable drug delivery pipeline products with a comparative analysis of the products at various stages of development and information about the clinical trials which are in progress.

Blockchain in Payments Market - Thematic Research

Blockchain is a method of storing information that makes it very difficult to change the information or cheat the system. The technology can be seen as a digital record of transactions like a ledger that is decentralized, meaning that there is no central authority or intermediary (such as a government or a bank) to validate a transaction.

Cloud Gaming Market - Thematic Research

Cloud gaming will fundamentally change the video games industry over the next ten years, bidding farewell to traditional disk-based PC and console games and hefty downloads in the process. Just as video and audio streaming has reshaped the music, film and TV markets, cloud gaming is expected to disrupt the status-quo in the gaming world.