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Joined: January 25, 2023
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Meet Our Staff Foothills

At Foothills Pain Management Clinic, we are dedicated to making sure your relief begins as soon as you walk through the door, which is why our staff is dedicated to going the extra mile. Malinda Smith Marketing Coordinator & Medical Assistant

Meet Our Clinicians Foothills

Joanna Acosta, PA-C With extensive training in medicine and controlled substances, Joanna brings a genuine care for patients and a desire to find effective long-term pain management treatments to everyone under her care.

Interventional Procedures Foothills

Here is a list of some of the interventional procedures we offer: Discography

Minimally invasive lumbar discectomy

Vertebroplasty / kyphoplasty

Nucleoplasty / disc decompression

Gasserian / sphenopalatine ganglion blocks

Spinal Cord Stimulator

Intrathecal Infusion Pump

Sympathetic blocks / neurolytics

Epidural steroid injection (cervical, thoracic, lumbar and caudal)

Conservative Treatment

Instead of visiting another physician who might write you a prescription and send you on your way, Foothills Pain Management Clinic focuses on providing alternative solutions that are non-addictive.

Meet Amber Ramos

A recognized voice in the pain management field who has helped build Foothills Pain Management from one office to five. Patients and colleagues alike recognize her care for her office's work.