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Can Anyone Learn to Code | Is coding for everyone

What is coding? From your most favorite game, the applications you use, websites that you visit and gadgets that you bring with you every day, never you think that all of this can happen with the use of coding only. So, Let's begin with the question "What is coding". Coding has become a fundamental element to our modern technology and almost everything technology-related that you see has coding incorporated inside it to work. Amazing isn’t it? Almost anything you imagine is possible at the tip of your fingers with just a few clicks away!

11 No Code Myths uncovered about No Code

The no code platform is convenient for many people because it requires no coding to make a business platform. However, people still want to create and personalize business applications suitable and perfect for their needs and demands. Like any platform, No Code Development aims to reduce human effort by providing people templates of their desired business applications. Since no code provides pre-built ones, developers would not be able to customize them according to their plans. Assumptions that no code platforms do not provide a tool for customization are an entirely false myth. However, customization or improving your application according to your demand and needs requires some coding skills and knowledge.

What is the future of no code development

No code development is the fastest way to build apps. And therefore, many are opting for no code over code. But is there a future of no code? Read & find out! No code development is getting much attention nowadays. As technology evolves, the demand for digital transformation also increases. Because of this, app development will remain relevant and continue to grow over time. Gone are the days when app development is only for the techie. Many business organizations can quickly satisfy their application software needs. It's because we are getting closer to a no code future.

Learn How to Build a Web App Faster with No Code

At times we have great ideas for amazing apps but we don’t go forward with them. One of the biggest reasons behind it is our lack of coding knowledge. Due to which our dependency on developers and web designers becomes 100%. And it can be fulfilled only if we have a lot of capital to invest.

Airtable Vs Notion: Which One is a Better Option

Nowadays, anyone can easily create apps for automation or to manage products, customers, databases, invoices and so much more. Among all no code tools, Airtable Vs Notion is one of the most popular ones. Here's an in depth comparison between the two. Read and find out which one is more suitable for you!

Google Sheets Vs Airtable - Game of Sheets/Tables

Google Sheets and Airtable both allow you to create databases using spreadsheets. But which one is better? Here's a quick comparison. Read and find out now!

Each no code project will have varying needs. Airtable works best for interactions with the app data in visual ways. Meanwhile, Google Sheets work best for those who want simple and accessible solutions with robust integrations with other tools like Zapier. But no one limits you in trying both, right? Discover what you like best between the two no code devices and stay flexible based on your data’s need and the outcome you want to achieve from your no code projects. See what works for you from these two databases and use to your advantage these best of these both worlds have to offer.

10 Best Low Code Platforms to Try in 2022

What is low code? Low code is a web/app development technology that helps you build complex web and mobile applications with minimal coding. As mentioned above, it is not something new, but definitely currently gaining huge popularity. And this is the reason why low code app development platforms list is becoming longer and longer by each year.

Difference between no code and low code app development platforms Well, if you have heard the word "low-code" before, you must have definitely heard the word "no code" as well. And it must have caused some confusion. So, let's clear that confusion first.