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Top Reasons Why People Drink Coffee Buzz Coffee

Coffee is a beverage that’s brewed with very hot or boiling water, and coffee beans which have already been roasted and ground. Coffee beans are sourced from coffee plants, members of the botanical genus Coffea. The beans are found inside the plant’s fruit, which are known as cherries; it takes about a year for a cherry to mature and ripen so its bean can be harvested. The plants (which are actually coffee trees trimmed to a smaller size) require mild temperatures, sufficient shade and lots of rain. For that reason they can only be productively grown in temperate areas of the world between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn.

How Did People Start Drinking Coffee? It’s virtually impossible to know exactly when people started drinking coffee. It’s believed that the beverage originated either in Yemen or Ethiopia around the seventh or eighth century, but historians weren’t exactly publishing detailed accounts back then. We have to rely on later research and verbal histories passed down through the generations. Coffee is slightly acidic and somewhat bitter, it’s known to have health benefits, it acts as a mild stimulant because of its caffeine content, and it’s the second most-popular beverage in the world (right behind tea, and not counting water). We’ll be looking at those attributes in more detail, after a look at the history of coffee. please go here to know more about How Did People Start Drinking Coffee ,Popularity of Coffee, Types of Coffee, Health Benefits of Coffee, Coffee Varieties and Flavors.

The Increased Popularity of Coffee: Merchants and diplomats from around the world became familiar with the intoxicating aroma and delicious taste of coffee during the 16th and 17th century, as they traveled to Turkey, Middle Eastern nations, and other regions to which the practice of drinking coffee had spread. The Ottoman Empire had conquered Yemen in 1538, and the governor they installed there brought coffee back to Istanbul in 1555. Turkish royalty began roasting beans to make the brew (a “chief coffee maker” was actually a member of the royal court), and its popularity quickly spread to the wealthy and then to the public through the coffeehouses that sprang up. Merchants first brought coffee to Venice in 1615, and coffeehouses began opening a few decades later.

Types of Coffee: Ask a group of people to name their favorite type of coffee, and the vast majority will probably name varieties or flavors like latte, instant coffee, iced coffee, decaf, or “with milk and sugar.” That’s putting the cart before the horse, though. Let’s first consider the types of coffee beans, types of roast and brewing methods that are used to produce all of those varieties and flavors.

Buzz Coffee Peachtree Walk 9, 78 Horton St, Port Macquarie NSW 2444 0412825882