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Why Do Clients Prefer to Outsource their Web Development Projects to India

According to recent surveys, around 80% of the US and European companies prefer to outsource to India. And the majority of the Fortune 500 companies like Microsoft, CISCO, Google, and IBM have outsourced their web app development projects to India. And the main reason behind it is that India stands at 1st position in outsourcing in terms of skills, cost, business environment, and availability.

Artificial Intelligence Implementations in Web Development

When you type something into a search engine, the backend has to analyze the words and return the most relevant results. To make this as efficient as possible, companies such as Google implement AI-based ranking algorithms which serve to create the most optimal list from a number of different possibilities. Machine learning plays a large role here since the algorithm itself improves as more and more users run different searches.

5 Web Development Trends to Be Aware of in 2021

Unsplash The digital market is an extremely competitive space and it is only necessary that a business evolves to maintain a position among competitors. It is equally important for a business owner, especially small business owners, to foresee changes in the digital space before they fully come into the market and adapt to them to […]