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Why Choosing the Right Eyeshadow Base is So Important?

Eyes are the windows to the soul! Often we recognize people through their eyes. Beautiful, attractive eyes are always considered a feature unlikely to be ignored or forgotten. If you are not born with the striking eyes you wish for; makeup can always do the trick for you. Eye makeup done correctly should bring out your eyes and complement your overall complexion.

How to Fix Droopy Eyelids Instantly?

Droopy eyelids are a problem across all genders, age groups, and different ethnicities. There are several reasons behind droopy eyelids, age being the most common. As we age, our body produces less collagen, a protein that comprises 70 percent of the dry skin mass. The protein is responsible for the elasticity and hydration of skin, depletion of which causes saggy skin, wrinkle formation, etc.

Celebrities With Hooded Eyes - The 7 Famous Celebrities Who Changed Their Hooded Eyes

Celebrities are always under the scanner for their appearance and expected to look their absolute best, all the time! And having hooded eyelids aren't the way to look gorgeous. While most of the population suffers from heavy hooded eyelids due to genetics or loss of collagen as the body ages, few celebrities with hooded eyes are known to undergo treatment to get rid of the ‘tired-looking eyes.’