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ActivePlan COBie - bim level 2

So, this is how COBie looks is a proper database application in Activeplan The data from each of the COBie tabs is here and the dashboard allows the maintenance manager in the school to drill into asset types and see what's in the digital O&M The user interface allows him to scroll through find products…Read More+

BIM Level 2 for Safety in Existing Buildings - bim level 2

You might have seen this case study, where Activeplan has supported PRP architect’s specialist safety case team to help clients like Clarion ensure their buildings are safe. Surveys are a significant investment, so we want to ensure clients get the maximum value from each visit by providing surveyors with object libraries to select from and…Read More+

ActivePlan - BIM Level 2

ActivePlan simplifies the delivery of BIM Level 2 by providing applications and data libraries that automate many of the tasks that suck up BIM teams’ time with non-added value work. These applications help specify the information asset teams need, provide tools to help designers and contractors provide it, validate submissions, create a coordinated COBie data model and populate to any FM applications. This also increases BIM levels of detail. The result is a Digital O&M that is easily kept up to date and coordinated with other asset management applications.