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Gemstone Guide – Auree Jewellery

Amazonite Found all over the world, from Brazil to Myanmar and Madagascar, this is a fabulous mottled green gemstone. Known as the "stone of courage", it is believed to hold energy as powerful as the Amazon river after which it is named.

How To Measure Your Necklace Length

The perfect necklace length is completely unique and individual to each person. While there are popular lengths and styles that work for everyone, it’s best to figure out which length you like the most and what suits you best.

Aurees Top Picks for Dining at Home

The past year has been one like no other and no better time to try out all the tastiest at home dining kits. With restaurant doors still sadly closed, we thought we would give you our most favourite finds to keep us all going until we are able to eat out again. 1. Archie's Food Hassle free and quite frankly better than

February Amethyst Birthstone Guide

Typically found in a gorgeous regal purple, Amethyst was first discovered in Brazil and is one of the oldest known gemstones. The Ancient Greeks believed it would protect the wearer from becoming drunk, which is why we suggest this party stone is always worn when sipping cocktails. We’ll have a Caipirinha please.