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Ruby Built-In Methods

The Kernel module is incorporated by Object class, which makes its methods available throughout the Ruby program. They can be called without a receiver or functional form. Hence, they are often referred to as functions. With several built-in methods available in Ruby, they help to reduce manual calculations and lines of code and thereby helps to increase the performance and speed of the application. Some of the pre-defined methods are as mentioned below:

9 Tips To Boost The Speed Of Your Shopify Website

Have you invested in Shopify development but are facing issues with generating more traffic? Well, one of the reasons for low user engagement can be a high bounce rate. Due to this, you may be losing out on several sale opportunities.

Fast page speed and site performance are essential factors to success in the world of e-commerce. Your Shopify E-Commerce website should load super quickly to avoid low user engagement, high bounce rates, and to not lose out on the sale opportunities. If you have a running Shopify E-Commerce website and looking to optimize your Shopify e-commerce store’s speed for maximum sales conversions, the followings points will help you to significantly increase your site’s loading speed and performance. ​Let’s have a look!