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Medical Billing and Coding

Accurate hospitalists medicine coding generally requires:

Knowledge of the various subspecialties of internal medicine Comprehensive understanding of a wide range of conditions and related treatments, as well as possible complications and/or typical comorbidities

8 minute Rule for Physical Therapy

.Medicare has certain rules and regulations in place to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse.  Here’s one you may have heard of – the 8-minute rule. As a Medicare beneficiary, it’s helpful to be acquainted with terms such as Medicare’s “8-minute rule” to understand how Medicare gets charged for the services. Due to the limited understanding…

Top Anesthesia medical billing

Anesthesia is the process of Medication being administered to a patient to perform Medical procedures without any pain. It is administered to make the patient unconscious, unaware of any pain and discomfort including emotional stress at the time of the Medical procedure. On the other hand anesthesia billing, is distinctive and unique when compared to…

Medical Billing Service in Evanston Illinois USA

Best Medical Billing and revenue management service in Evanston, Illinois, USA for Psychiatry, Family medicine, Pediatrics, Internal medicine, Dentistry, Counseling, Cardiology, OB-Gyn, Orthopedic, Ophthalmology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Allergy Immunology, Dermatology and Radiology practices.

Best Anesthesia Billing Modifiers

Anesthesia is the process of Medication being administered to a patient to perform Medical procedures without any pain. It is administered to make the patient unconscious, unaware of any pain and discomfort including emotional stress at the time of the Medical procedure. On the other hand anesthesia billing, is distinctive and unique when compared to…

Best Medicare 8 minute Rule

.Medicare has certain rules and regulations in place to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse.  Here’s one you may have heard of – the 8-minute rule. As a Medicare beneficiary, it’s helpful to be acquainted with terms such as Medicare’s “8-minute rule” to understand how Medicare gets charged for the services. Due to the limited understanding…

CPT Code of billing

Imagine that you submit a claim for a specific CPT injection code, but it is refused or rejected. That is a very common phenomenon. Wouldn’t you be disappointed, especially if you had no idea why you had been rejected? So, what are your options? The next step would be to resubmit the claim line for…

What is Guarantor

Medical billing is a complex process that involves various players including healthcare providers, insurance companies, and patients. Among these players, one crucial entity that plays a critical role in the medical billing process is the guarantor. A guarantor is a person or group who has to pay for a patient’s medical bills. In this article,…

Best GV Modifier

Hospice is a specialized type of care for those facing life-limiting illnesses, their families, and their caregivers. hospice care addresses the patient’s physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs. Hospice healthcare services performed by the patients attending physician who is employed/ paid/ part of hospice should be submitted to the hospice contractor for reimbursement. However, if…

Best GW Modifier

Hospice is a specialized type of care for those facing life-limiting illnesses, their families, and their caregivers. hospice care addresses the patient’s physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs. Hospice healthcare services performed by the patients attending physician who is employed/ paid/ part of hospice should be submitted to the hospice contractor for reimbursement. However, if…