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7 Best Android Frameworks for App Development in 2021 and Beyond

With a rise in internet usage, shift to mobile, and nearly 90% of mobile internet time is spent only on apps, businesses have realized that apps are vital for making strong connections with customers. With over 84% of market share worldwide, 2 billion user bases, and approx 1.5 billion downloads every month, the evolution of Android OS is quite evident; it has gained massive popularity over time due to its advantageous offerings.

10 Best Mobile Apps for Startups to Streamline Business Processes

Every store owner who has just started with a startup business, sooner or later, thinks about ways to smooth its startup’s daily tasks and maximize the company’s productivity with minimal time and budget. It is doubtless to say that as a startup owner, the more you automate tasks, stay organized, and simplify business processes, the more efficient and productive your startup business will become.

The Pros and Cons of Cross-Platform Mobile App Development – 2021 Updated

Smartphones have marked a tremendous influence on our way of living. From finding places to eat, shopping for clothes to wear, booking tickets for our favorite shows, connecting with loved ones via social media, and much more, our dependence on mobile phones has increased with time. You know what? Mobile apps have a huge role to play in all this.

Everything You Need to Know About Android App Development

As Android design and development trends continue to rule, you must’ve been thinking of developing an app for your business. You plausibly have brainstormed the next ‘game-changing app’ idea. You know what features it needs to have for your users and what interface you would want. Now it’s time to roll up your sleeves and make some mobile magic happen. But how would you do that?

History of Apple Events Since Its Inception Popular Key Moments

When Apple launches a new product or hosts an event, they generate a massive buzz. The global interest that Apple generates for its events is phenomenal. Apple events are highly anticipated among attendees, fans, and iOS app design company due to their unique approach. Close to 2 million people watched Apple’s iPhone event live stream on YouTube last year. Within just 10 minutes of when the event kicked off, Apple had over 500,000 viewers.