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Predictive Analyitcs Improving HR Strategies

When it comes to HR, predictive analysis is playing it like a game-changer. Analytics in HR or people analytics were a growing trend. However, incorporating a predictive model is how HR departments are forecasting individual behavior, whether or not an employee will stick around longer, and much more.

What is Ad Hoc Reporting

Ad-Hoc, which has its origins in Latin, means “For this” in English. It refers to a task done for a specific reason. Ad-Hoc reporting, then, means creating reports for specific occasions. Through Ad-Hoc reporting, you can analyze a specific business question that you had not previously thought of and that your existing report is not capable of answering. When it comes to business intelligence, Ad-Hoc reporting adds to regular reporting by enabling users to quickly build new reports from scratch or edit the reports made previously. All of this can be done without the involvement of the IT department.