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BIOAYURVEDA - Best Ayurvedic Product in India

BIOAYURVEDA is a visionary natural health and wellness luxury brand translating the abiding awareness and knowledge of ancient Ayurveda into our daily lives through an enlightened range of organic products for our holistic living and wellbeing.

Ayurveda literally means the knowledge of life and longevity. It is the world’s oldest comprehensively classified and documented science of health and wellbeing originating, developing and surviving in India. Continuing from over five thousand years, and by some accounts over eight thousand, there are an estimated five million Ayurveda manuscripts bequeathed to us, making it the richest repository of time-tested knowledge of the healing powers of plants, fruits, stems, roots, leaves, flowers, seeds, grains, spices, oils, minerals, and all other nutrient sources found in Nature.