Managing Emotions with NLP

An emotion is a reaction. A reaction to something that has happened and the immediate response to it. What triggers the emotion is how we react to the situation that creates the response. Emotions are very personal in nature. The nature of response to a particular situation needn’t be the same for everyone. It differs from person to person, depending on their closeness, seriousness, personality type, outlook, mental strength, and so on to the situation/person/event. When we emote, it is just like any other behavior. You either have it or you don’t. There is no negative or positive emotion. Emotions to a particular situation can wary from person to person. What could be a very emotional experience for one could sometimes not even connect with another. To cut it short, how we emote depends on our personality type, genetics, past exposure to a similar situation, and many other reasons. It also depends on the phase of life you are in at that moment. Emotions are fixations of energy applied to various situations. Now it is up to us to choose how we use this energy.

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