Linezolid Tablet An Antibiotic for Various Bacterial Infections

Linezolid Tablet specifically is an antibiotic and is used to treat various bacterial infections such as pneumonia, skin infections, and infections that are resistant to certain other antibiotics. In order to know the linezolid tablet price in India, call us on our TOLL-FREE: 1800-889-1064 or Email us at This agent is designed to work in order to interfere with the synthesis of proteins and halt the progression of bacteria. Therapy with Linezolid is effective only against bacteria referred to as gram-positive bacteria. It should not be used against severe and multi-resistant infections. It should also not be used indiscriminately for the prevention of the development of resistance. The proposed dose of Linezolid is 600 mg twice daily for 10 to 21 days. The time span of treatment typically depends on the infection.

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