DIY Yoga Sanctuary Tips To Create A Mini Yoga Studio At Home

There is a popular saying that goes, “Home is where the heart is.” And for the heart to be at peace, the home has to be an expression of oneself. During the pandemic, most of our outdoor activities have found a replacement within our homes. So, if you miss going to your yoga class to unwind yourself from all the stress, you need not worry. Here are some simple DIY tips that can guide you to build a yoga studio right at home.

1. De-Clutter Around The House This is your chance to pull a full Marie Kondo. De-clutter a room, going through one category after another. Keep only the essentials and discard everything that doesn’t serve any specific needs or purposes in your life. The room will become a blank canvas for you to decorate. This will give your house enough space to build a yoga studio where you can unwind freely without any stress. With Yoga, it is best to stay minimal with the room decorations as it requires a calm ambience.

2. Calm Colours Muted and cool tones of different colours like white, beige, sky blue etc, give the room a tranquil presence which is important to the spirit of yoga. They recede rather than standing out aggressively. Be sure to non-toxic paints. Yoga is a practice that ensures both our physical and emotional well-being. By purchasing eco-friendly products, like non-toxic paint, you can protect both your health and implement sustainability in your life.

3. Set The Mood With Lighting Lighting in a house sets up the whole mood and in many ways influences our mood as well. Many of the new residential projects in Dahisar at the WEH are next to the national park and are full of natural light and fresh air. A house that gets enough sunlight and air is a healthy one. But for your personal yoga space select a dim, calming light that hangs over-head, giving the room a nice halo. This way you can practice yoga in tranquillity.

4. Accessorize With Intention To make the space more personalized and comfortable you can add various objects to the room to enhance it. Keep a small shelf or table in the room and place a scented candle, an aromatic spray, some healing crystals, or whatever you feel is calming and makes you flow easily.

5. Hunt For Treasures Visit the local markets, thrift shops, or antique stores near you and look out for unique objects that will make great additions to your house. Try searching objects such as antique trunks, shelves, tables, or your yoga mats, props, and blankets. If you search you might come across some interesting stuff like beautiful vintage sculptures and wall art that will give your house the spiritual ambience that you desire.

6. Outfit Your Studio With The Essentials To practice yoga at home, the first object that you will need is a yoga mat. Other than that several other props can be of assistance when you practice. You can use yoga blocks that will act as an extension of your arm to lengthen your reach when you are working on flexibility.

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