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How to make a hanging lamp | XINSANXING

Pendant lighting is probably the most versatile of all interior fixtures.. They can be placed anywhere in the room because conveniently, ceilings are everywhere. Outstanding lighting is usually very expensive, but I have learned that you can make gorgeous lighting for very little money. Chandelie...

Bamboo lamp how to maintain clean | XINSANXING

Bamboo lighting, also known as bamboo fixtures, its material is conceivably “bamboo”. Bamboo has its own unique natural grain, its texture can be clearly visible, giving people a rustic, fresh and elegant feeling. Now add modern elements of bamboo lighting, not only can make the ancie...

A bamboo lamp, make life poetic… | XINSANXING

The shadows of the bamboo peep into the darkness of the lamp, and the sound of the spring speaks long into the night.The small window has no dream to reach Gaotang.I am alone to draw three cups of long whistle and walk in the corridor. The moon is cold, the lotus is fragrant with wind and dew.The...