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Great Movies Based On the Making Of Real Movies

There are several movies in Hollywood, which shows the reality of the cinematic world. These movies often include the hard times and struggles of actors, directors, producers, and more. Hollywood fans also love to watch these kinds of movies because they are based on a person’s real-life story. These films are motivational and inspirational as well. For example, the film “Once Upon A Time in Hollywood” shows Hollywood’s life, and the film “La La Land” shows the complicated lives and struggles of directors and actors.

Fullmetal Alchemist Facts and Mysteries Surrounding Transmutation Circles

There is a lot of symbolism and arcane logos that one comes across while watching or reading Fullmetal Alchemist. However, one of the most intriguing parts of the show is the transmutation circle, which plays a crucial role for the alchemists. Although one does learn a lot about them as one goes through the whole story, much is shrouded in mystery and is yet not known. Every alchemist needs a transmutation circle to perform his alchemy; however, Edward Elric was unlike others since he could do it without using those circles.

No More Free Trials Offered by Netflix in the US

Netflix has been our go-to platform during this pandemic because of its brilliant shows and movies. It enables you to search for unlimited streaming content that you can watch based on the language, genre, and much more. Unfortunately, the most popular online streaming platform Netflix has brought down the option of free trial for its potential customers in the US. Though the offer has been removed from many other countries, it has now been released for the US residents.

Top 5 Spoof Call Apps for Android

Making a spoof call is fun, and sometimes it’s ok to tease a person who you already know. Spoof apps are mostly used during times, such as April Fool’s Day. However, you can use these apps in various other ways, depending on your creativity. So, whatever is the reason, here are the top 5 spoof call apps that you can use on your Android device.

Disclaimer: please don’t use these apps for spam callings or any other illegal activities; they are made only for occasional uses and fun activities. We are writing this article only for entertainment and educational purposes.

How to Turn On the iPhone Flashlight With Back Tap

Back Tap is one of the trendy features provided only in iOS devices. One can easily use this accessibility tool to quickly detect the finger's physical activity on the device's backside. To allow this feature to do its job, iPhone 8, or above use the built-in mechanism accelerometer. Once configured in the Settings section, you may easily use two or three taps to open various actions on your Smartphone, including shortcuts.

iPhone 12 Won’t Come With Earbuds or Wall Charger Anymore

The bad news is Apple will be removing the accessories from all models going forward. As announced by Apple, the two major accessories won’t be made available on the environmental grounds. Similarly, Apple’s Watch models will not deliver a charging brick. Further, the company mentioned using less raw materials for every iPhone sold. A small retail box will be used, which means a reduction of carbon emissions due to more space on a single shipping pallet. Overall, the company estimates cutting down about 2 million metric tons of carbon every year. To make it crystal clear, it is equivalent to removing 4,50,000 cars annually.

iPad Air or iPad Mini: Which Should You Buy?

iPad Air and iPad Mini are two computer-designed tablets and mini-tablets designed and developed by Apple. iPad Air was released in 2013 as a part of the iPad line of computer tablets. On the other hand, iPad Mini was released in 2012 and was the first in the iPad Mini line.

The Best Games Currently Available for iOS

In this pandemic, there is no better option than playing a game on your iPhone, but for a person, it is not possible to find a game that is worth playing from the vast list of games on Apple store. But you don’t have to worry! Because we have brought some of the best games for you that will never let you feel bored.

How to Find Clean Drinkable Water in Grounded

The new survival video game of Obsidian Entertainment, Grounded, demands gamers to protect themselves from getting attacked by insects, spiders, and bugs. The game is quite fun to play, which is why within a few days of its release, Grounded has obtained huge acclaim from all over the world.

How to Beat Giovanni in Pokemon Go

In the emerging gaming world, every day, several video games arrive; however, only a few of them managed to succeed. Pokemon Go is one of the most successful video games of all time. Its developer, Nintendo, has played a vital role in making it successful throughout these years.

How to Build a Base in Grounded

The new survival video game of Obsidian Entertainment, Grounded, has created a lot of buzz in the gaming market. The game consists of a fantastic storyline, mesmerizing graphics, and simple gameplay. Due to these mind-blowing factors, the game has managed to become an immense success.