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Key differences between Recruitment and Talent Acquisition

The two terms ‘recruitment’ and ‘talent acquisition’ have a similar meaning and are often used interchangeably, to describe the process followed to hire and recruit candidates. However, the two terms although related to each other, have different meanings. To learn about how the two terms differ let us take a deeper understanding of the traditional meaning of these terms.

What changed for HR in 2021-22

Covid brought about a huge change in the human resource industry. The need to work remotely increased the need for digitalization and pushed towards the growth of AI. This article will give you an insight into what the new trends in HR are going to be like in the upcoming year.

HR Consulting Firms

Wawcl is a Top HR Consulting Firms in India. We Provide Best HR solutions to clients around the world. We provide unique HR solutions to clients around the world,creating things that get attention and meaningful.