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Most Recent Updates to ACID and Other Electronic Documents - Egypt

Egyptian authorities have recently put forth two important updates that can enhance trade with the region, in accordance with ACID. Digital trade has become a crucial aspect of the entire industry, rather than being just an abstract idea, thereby changing the picture of global trade, depending severely on the free cross-border movement of data.

How a One-to-Many Integration is a Game-Changer for Your ERP and Supply Chain

One-to-many enterprise application integration system allows businesses to unlock the full potential of their services by ensuring a smoother supply chain process. The best way to work in a digital supply chain depends on how each stakeholder maximizes their resources by connecting, reusing, replicating, and interoperating them across their supply chain.

Dispelling Common Timber Shipping and Freight Forwarding Myths

Timber Exchange is a B2B supply chain automation platform that helps streamline global trade. Starting from a wide range of advanced tools that take care of the entire supply chain process from inquiry to the delivery, to a monthly updated market data hub that includes container sailing performance & container sailing schedules.

Control Tower Technology to Achieve Operational Excellence Proactive Customer Service

Control tower is a hub that connects key business metrics and data in a centralised location. This blog ( will take you through how control towers will benefit your business supply chain. Timber Exchange is a supply chain automation platform that is built by professionals with significant global experience and aims to automate global trade.

The Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War on Global Timber Trade

The war between Russia and Ukraine is likely to impact global trade, especially the timber market, to a large extent in the coming months. The increased number of sanctions against Russian trading and the challenging financial transactions will possibly re-direct and interrupt forest products’ shipments globally.

Top Ways Digital Smart Contracts Can Take Global Trade to the Next Level

Timber Exchange is a cloud-based enterprise solution for the global timber industry to work together in one place. It is a combination of supply chain management tools, a B2B marketplace, and a constantly updated market data hub to support the forestry industry. It also covers the operational blind spots by complementing the existing ERP and business systems.

The European Timber Industry Begins Its Digital Transformation

The end of the year 2020 saw an MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) being signed by the member states of the CEO-Bois, European Confederation of Woodworking Industries, about an initiative that would digitize the European timber industry. “TIMBIM”, the name given to this initiative, supports the constant collaboration and knowledge-sharing of the timber market between the member states participating.

Timber Product Inspection – Discussing the American Grading System

With the increasing lumber prices in the United States, interest from foregin markets to produce compliant goods is at a record high. Mr. Amir Rashad, the CEO of Timber Exchange and Centersource Technologies thus took it upon himself to bring this subject up to discussion on a global platform. To do so, he brought on Mr David Conner and Mr Robin Lillandt from TPI to speak on the subject as part of a collaborative panel discussion webinar.

Timber Exchange's 2021 in Review: A Year Full of Achievements

The Timber Exchange Market Data Hub feature has been one of the most sought-after facilities that most industry players look for. It keeps track of data across various segments of the industry, along with the most influential country markets. It includes recent news plus real-time statistics on production, inventory, global price, grading rules, export/import, container line performance, logistics, and Egypt ACID regulations.

US Tariff Hike

The Lumber Industry is in a challenging situation as the USA doubles Canadian shipment duties and Supply chain issues due to floods in British Columbia.

How Does the US Market Affect European Lumber Prices

Given the limited supply of lumber from the largest exporters at the moment, European producers can take on a crucial role as a supplier to the US. The lumber shipments from Canada to the United States (an extremely vital chunk of the supply to the US) were hit by around 20% in 2020 April.