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Lower Back Pain Treatment | Specialty Care Clinics

Back pain is a pain originating from the backbone or spinal column. There are many reasons why spinal cord injuries are dangerous, one of which is loss of sensation and mobility after an injury.

Back pain is one of the most common ailments. You will experience some level of back pain during your life. If the condition does not resolve quickly, you can end up with chronic back pain that can become difficult to treat.

In most cases, spine surgery by a spine specialist takes care of the problem. But when the spine and back pain is a result of years of lumbar misuse, it may need long-term back pain treatment.

The Specialty Care Clinics provides expert assessment and treatment for a full range of spinal problems to help you understand and improve your symptoms. We offers a comprehensive dedicated Spine and Back Pain service for the diagnosis and treatment of sciatica, spinal stenosis, cauda equina, and spine fractures. We provide a high-quality world-class contemporary care package for back conditions for patients of all ages and lifestyles.

Contact us on 469-545-9983 to make an appointment.

Pleuritic chest pain Causes and Treatments

Pleuritic chest pain is a stabbing, burning, sharp pain when you breathe. The simple and automatic action of inhaling and exhaling causes intense pain. It gets aggravated every time you cough, laugh or sneeze.

Pleuritic chest pain is due to problems with the pleura (the membrane of the lung), and it can radiate to the shoulders, neck, and back. People suffering from pleuritic chest pain tend to take small and shallow breaths to decrease the feeling of pain.

If you’re experiencing chest pain when breathing, seek medical help immediately. You should always be aware of your symptoms, take them seriously and never hesitate to consult a healthcare specialist.

If you or anyone you know is suffering from Pleuritic chest pain, our expert providers at Specialty Care Clinics will take care of your health and help you recover.

Call 469-805-4561 to book an appointment for an at home check-up.

Varicose Veins treatment | Swollen Vein Removal - Specialty Care Clinics

Varicose veins are the swollen, enlarged veins that appear close to the surface of the skin. They are usually dark blue or purple in color. Any vein can become varicose, but most commonly affected veins are those found in the legs and feet. This usually happen because standing and walking upright increases pressure in the veins of the lower body which causes malfunction of the veins and results in varicose veins.

Most varicose veins are not a serious condition but they may cause aching pain and in certain instances can also lead to more serious conditions. Varicose veins can also be a symptom that indicates a higher risk of other circulatory system disorders.

If varicose veins are large, they might require to be removed surgically. This is generally done under general anesthetic. In most of the cases, the patient could go home the same day if surgery is needed on both legs, they might require to spend one night in hospital.

If you or anyone you know is suffering from varicose veins, our expert providers at Specialty Care Clinics will take care of your health and help you recover.

Call 469-805-4561 to book an appointment for an at home check-up.

Spina Bifida Surgery Treatment - Specialty Care Clinics

Spina bifida is a birth deformity that happens when the spine and spinal cord do not form properly. It is a kind of neural tube deformity. The neural tube is sort of a structure in an evolving embryo that ultimately becomes the baby's brain, spinal cord and the tissues that surround them.

Spina bifida is a serious birth defect that occurs when the tissue surrounding the developing spinal cord of a fetus does not close properly during the first month of pregnancy. It is part of a group of birth defects called neural tube defects, a disorder involving incomplete development of the brain, spinal cord, and/or their protective coverings.

Spina bifida might start from mild to severe, relying upon the type of deformity, size, location and complications. When required, early treatment for spina bifida involves surgery however such treatment does not always completely resolve the problem.

If you or anyone you know is suffering from Spina bifida diseases, our expert providers at Specialty Care Clinics take care of your health and help you recover.

Call 469-805-4561 to book an appointment.

Spinal Stenosis Pain Treatment | Specialty Care Clinics

Narrowing of the spaces within the spinal canal is spinal stenosis. The narrowing puts pressure on the nerves travelling through the spine. Spinal stenosis occurs in the lower back or lumbar spine; but, it might occur in the neck or cervical spine also.

Older people are more prone to spinal stenosis due to spinal degeneration. Spinal degeneration causes deterioration of vertebral discs over a long period of time. Spinal stenosis occur in the lower back it can cause back pain and leg pain.

Narrowing of the spine reduces the space available for the spinal cord and nerves of the spinal cord. This tightened space irritates the spinal cord or nerves. This leads to compressed or pinched nerves causing back pain and sciatica.

To learn more about spinal stenosis pain relief, contact Specialty Care Clinics. Call us on (469) 545-9983 to book an appointment.

Kidney Stone Pain Treatment | Specialty Care Clinics

It is thought that kidney stones form in some individuals due to changes in their diet and metabolism. When this happens, these people experience severe pain when the stone travels from a kidney through the narrow ureter to the bladder.

While certain foods may certainly contribute to stone formation, scientists have not yet positively identified that eating any specific food causes stones in people who are susceptible. There are other factors that may affect stone formation as well such as fluid intake, body weight, food allergies, stress, genes, and environmental influences.

Regardless of the cause, the effect remains consistently similar among the people that have them, and the debilitating pain is so intense that it often leads them to seek hospitalization for treatment and pain relief.

The treatment of kidney stones is generally tailored to the type of stone. If you or anyone you know is suffering pain in your lower abdomen, please consult our specialists today.

Call us on (469) 545-9983 to book an appointment.

Weird Smell after Covid-19 | Post Covid Centers

COVID has cropped up with all unusual signs and symptoms setting in. Doctors are dealing with peculiar symptoms and trying to address them in the best possible day. One such symptom which we are going to speak about is the weird smell after COVID-19.

The sense of smell is one of the most important senses known to us. The sense of smell is medically termed olfaction. We understand that the nose knows the smell but it is directly linked with the brain. To recognize the sense of smell is one of the important activities of the brain.

The smell of rose, perfume, freshly cooked food and arms of your favorite food is all possible through your nose and brain. It stimulates your senses and your system when you smell something unique and peculiar. This perception of smell is called olfaction.

Smell returns to normal in a couple of months though for some people anosmia (loss of smell), hyposmia ( reduced smell), or parosmia ( altered smell ) can last longer. This is not just unique for covid, but it can also be due to viral infections. In any respiratory tract infection, the mucosa of the nasal cavity may lose perception.

If you or anyone you know is suffering from loss of smell or is experiencing any weird smells, call us today at (469) 545-9983 to consult our experts.

Covid-19 Causes Loss of Brain Tissue | Post Covid Centers

Covid-19 has far-reaching consequences for each of its victims. While some people experience mild symptoms, others are suffering from severe post-covid symptoms with long-lasting consequences.

One of these many long-lasting effects is the loss of brain tissue due to Covid-19. This in turn leads to neurological issues like loss of taste or sense of smell.

Dr. Scott Gottlieb, board member of Pfizer, a former FDA chief, and CNBC contributor has explained that the severity of the post-Covid symptoms may decrease over time. But the tissue which has been destroyed by the virus will never be regained.

The team of UK scientists studied the brain function of patients before & after a Covid infection. Learn more about the study which scanned the brains of 40,000 participants of the UK Biobank.

Consult our expert neurologists and get tested for brain damage after recovering from Covid-19. Call us on (469) 545-9983 today.

Get Calf Pain Treatment - Specialty Care Clinics

Calf pain is a type of pain that triggers tension and ache in the lower back leg, right under the back of the knee. The pain can be triggered by many factors and reasons such as a torn muscle, an inflammation, or an irritated nerve.

This type of pain is common and can feel like a dull or a sharp sense of tightness or pain in that area. Calf pain can be mild and easily treated through home remedy methods, or it could be more intense and prevent the person from walking due to the sharp feeling of pain that spreads across the calf.

This pain can also radiate all across the leg, or affect the calf only. Most calf pain triggers are easily treatable, they are common and do not last for too long.

If you or anyone you know is suffering from calf pain, our expert providers at Specialty Care Clinics will take care of your health. To book an appointment, call us on (469) 545-9983.

Leg Pain Treatment - Specialty Care Clinics

Leg pain is caused by wear and tear, overuse, or injuries in joints or bones or in muscles, ligaments, tendons or other soft tissues. It is described as sharp, dull, numbing, tingling, burning, radiating, or aching.

Leg pain ranges from a dull ache to a searing, throbbing, or burning sensation. Leg pain is a constant or intermittent pain. This occurs in the foot, ankle, knee, or any part of the leg. It affects the entire leg or a localized area, such as the shin or knee.

Leg pain occurs during the night. It occurs while lying down, or when running or working out, depending on the cause. It may happen because of therapeutic conditions or no traumatic reasons.

Some leg pain is bearable, while others are severe. But, intense leg pain can affect your ability to walk or to bear weight.

If you or anyone you know is suffering from leg pain, our expert providers at Specialty Care Clinics will take care of your health. To book an appointment, call us on (469) 545-9983.

Ear Pain Treatment | Specialty Care Clinics

gets worse and can lead to swelling of the throat from the temporomandibular joint syndrome.

Ear pain bothers everyone at some point or the other. Most people consider it to be a common problem and that is why they want to solve it with simple home remedies.

But, neglecting ear pain can prove to be harmful as it can become a serious problem and it affects about 7.6 percent of people.

Along with this, since most people do not get its treatment at the right time, due to this they also become victims of deafness.

A person suffering from ear pain has to face many problems. So, it is necessary that people should know about ear pain so that they can take precautions and get it treated properly.

If you or anyone you know has ear pain, please contact our specialists at Specialty Care Clinics. To book an appointment, call us on (469) 545-9983.