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Babies are very delicate and sensitive. Their skin is delicate like a flower that can wither if not taken proper care of. Either it’s your first baby or the second baby skin is always demanding. It demands full nourishment and complete care from season to season. In summer baby skin can get irritated due to sunrays that are harsh enough for his sensitive skin and in winter it can get so dry that a baby is restless due to itching. So you need to be very careful for your baby’s skin.


For those involved with ripping their bodies, high intensity interval training is a must. Before I begin explaining about HIIT, you must know what it is. According to HIIT, a workout should include a mix of low to moderate exercises that should be infrequent

Are Weight Charts Really Accurate? |

If you have ever been to the doctor I’m sure at sometime or another you have been weighted on a scale so the doctor can look and see how much you weight and if it is in proportion to your height. Some many times I have heard and been told e

Healthy Eating for Busy People

Sorry to sound like your mom, but you are what you eat. Too many Americans have forgotten the basics of good nutrition that they learned in school, and how eating well can make such a difference in their daily lives. Not to mention how long-term healt

High Altitude Radiation Monitoring Service |

Q: I wear my badge but don’t know what level of radiation is considered safe.

A: Safe is a relative term. There is consensus that any level of radiation exposure bears some risk. However the level varies with the type of risk, fatal cancer, genetic mutation or fetal damage, and with the amount of radiation received and the duration of exposure.