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If you lose, get up again - Independence Mag

What will you do when the barrier grows in front of you? What do you do when your plan fails? What do you do when people close to you leave you one by one? What do you do when all hope is gone in an instant? What do you do when all hope is gone in an instant? What do you do when everyone thinks you are a loser? What will you do when everyone loses faith in you one by one? You all have to think of weakness. Read More...

I did not learn to lose - Independence Mag

Everyone wants success. Everyone wants to see his dream come true. Everyone wants to be the best. But one thing is for sure, there is a price to pay for this to be the best. Which not everyone can afford. Yes, pain and abandonment. I’m not talking about physical pain. I’m talking about mental pain. When you sit down to read a few days before the exam and you fall asleep shortly after opening the book. Read More...

You go! ???? I'm fine without you - Independence Mag

I can’t forget him. I have tried a lot. I blocked him on Facebook and WhatsApp. But I can’t live without him. Every day I think I will forget him. But no, I keep calling him again. I keep begging for love from him again and again. But he does not reply to me. I started smoking. Yes i drink too So that I can forget him. But I can’t forget him. Read More...

Aim that doesn’t let you sleep

Exactly two years ago today, this 34-year-old man wrote a new history by running 42 km in less than two hours. Has created a world record in his own name. At the age when an athlete leaves the field, he has set a world record and explained that to be a UNR, you have to do a lot more than just think and work. Read More...

One day your time will change - Independence Mag

Brother, nothing is happening. I don’t know how to do anything. How long will it continue like this? Self-confidence is rising. Whether I can do it or not, it just keeps going in my head. Hey, tell me, can I do it or not? Or it will continue like this for the rest of one’s life. Time must change, life must change. Read More...

You will get addicted to studying - Independence Mag

Brother, what should I do? Attention is repeatedly going to the mobile. The effect of the motivation discussion lasts no more than two to five minutes. Friend 14-25 years is the age when your life will not be built or life will be ruined. Friend, ask me a question today, what will I do with my life? What do I want to do in life? And how many days will hang on the neck of parents. Read More...

I'm ok without you - Independence Mag

I’m fine without you

I believed everything you said. I would listen to whatever you said. At the end of the month, half my salary, I used to spend behind you. I used to bring whatever you said. I never let you understand my pain. Because your happiness was my happiness. Your sorrow was my sorrow. Read More...

Why can’t i

If a tea shopkeeper can be the Prime Minister of the country,

Then why can’t I?

A boy used to clean the dirt, If he could prove to be one of the best cricketers in the world,

Then why can’t I?

Who are you, How much do you know yourself? - Independence Mag

Who are you, How much do you know yourself? What have you come to do in this world? How much do you know yourself? Who are you? When do you get lost? When you lose confidence in yourself. When you feel worthless. When you think of yourself as small. When you think of yourself as insignificant. When you get hurt, When your own people betray you. When someone of your own neglects you. You get...

I’m fine without you - Independence Mag

I’m fine without you I believed everything you said. I heard what you are saying. At the end of the month, even half of my little celery, I used to spend behind you. Whatever you want, I would bring it then. I never let you understand my pain. Because your happiness was my happiness. Your sorrow was my sorrow. To see you in the blink of an eye, I would have come to you from...