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Top 5 Most Important Pages for Website Design - OCGnow

chances are, you ended up here with questions about what pages of your website are most important. Are you currently working with a designer on a new website for your brand? Have you had your fill of hearing terms like “parallax” and “anchors” and aren’t sure what these things have to do with helping your customer enjoy your site? Look on further for the answer, as we will outline below the 5 most important pages for website design and what they need to have to best serve your customers.

Spinach and Mushroom Frittata Recipe

Making a spinach and mushroom frittata is as easy as making an omelet. The frittata is made for serving many people at once. Serve this frittata alone or with a side of Lemon Dill sauce on the side. Frittatas are a very versatile dish that you can add almost anything to. Add your favorite meats, cheeses or veggies to the dish, and then pour the eggs on top.

Cornbread Sausage Stuffing Recipe

This cornbread sausage stuffing recipe is made with sweet cornbread, savory sausage and fresh herbs. This stuffing is synonymous with Thanksgiving and turkey. This is a southern favorite that uses cornbread as a staple ingredient mixed with sausage and sage. This cornbread sausage stuffing recipe is made with sweet cornbread, savory sausage and fresh herbs.

How To Make Southern Cornbread Recipe

Making this southern cornbread recipe is quite simple and only requires a few staple ingredients. It’s rich and buttery, has a tender crumb but is crisp and browned on the edges. This is the cornbread recipe you’ve been searching for! This southern cornbread recipe is easy to make. It only takes about 30 or 40 minutes to make from start to finish, and most of that time is hands-off! Just mix your ingredients together and then add to a pan or skillet and bake!

How to Cut a Butternut Squash

Learning how to cut a butternut squash is quite easy once you learn the proper technique. The very first step of cutting your butternut squash is going to be trimming off the stem and the root end of the vegetable. After you slice off the top and end, it will reveal the orange flesh of the squash. Take care to peel through the skin and the white rind of the squash.

Everyone Must Be Aware About All These Information About Masks

If you go online, you will find many misinformation and disinformation circulating about use of masks. There are groups of people who have been trying their best to politicize covid crises and use face masks which is dangerous to public health. A major reason behind all this is also the complicated science as their recommendations…

How to Find Best Night Doulas in Seattle

Night doulas get frequently hired by people during pregnancy, birth, and the Postpartum period. Out of the there are several reasons that plays a vital role in opting night doulas service. Where some people have adopted this as a lifestyle choice while some don’t want face problems, they faced during previous birth experience.

Benefits of Having Invisalign Clear Aligners

A dazzling smile is hard to ignore and everybody loves a friendly smile. Many people can do anything to get a perfect smile. With the help of Invisalign you don’t have to do much, just a few visits to the dentist home and a minute every day to pop your aligners on.  Let’s see what are…

Benefits of Getting Invisalign Clear Aligners

Invisalign system benefits go far beyond a beautiful smile than of repositioning the misaligned teeth.  Straightening your crooked teeth can have a very important impact on your dental health as per the American Dental Association. Invisalign also rectifies the abnormal bite functions, when your lower and upper jaws fail to come together properly besides correcting…

Why Should you Choose Invisalign over Metal Braces?

A pearly white smile having straight teeth is a hallmark of any face, but not everyone is blessed with the straight teeth. So many people have misaligned, crowded or crooked teeth and suffer from issues such as an underbite and an overbite. Traditional metal braces have been used to straight the misaligned teeth, but those braces have many disadvantages. Dentists recommends using the Invisalign braces nowadays as they are way safer and give better and faster results.

Invisalign are the transparent clear aligners that are fitted on the teeth. Over time, by modifying their position they straighten up the teeth gradually. They have many benefits over the traditional metal braces with wires, few of them are listed below:

Traditional metal braces require thorough cleaning very frequently. Tiny food and sticky particles get easily stuck in the elastics and wires. Cleaning the metal braces can be very painful. Invisalign clear aligners are very low-maintenance. Just take the aligner trays out of the mouth and them clean them with warm water and a toothbrush. 

When you begin Invisalign treatment program, you will receive multiple clear aligner trays. Some of them are for the current phase and some for phases to come. So, you don’t have to visit the dentist for every adjacent phase.

Traditional metal braces require some fixes frequently such as tightening the wires or rubber bands and you need to see the dentist more often. Traditional metal braces come with many food restrictions. Hard and sticky and food items can easily damage the metal braces and dentists always recommend avoiding them.

With the Invisalign clear aligners, you have the complete freedom to eat your favourite food and there will be no restrictions. Just remove your aligners before you eat your meal and then simply put them back on after cleaning and brushing your teeth.

Metal braces also interfere while eating, brushing, and flossing, making them difficult to perform.

To know more about Invisalign please visit

Invisalign Aligners are Much Better Option than Metal Braces

Not everyone is blessed with the perfect smile but most of the people desire to get it. There are many treatments available these days which can really result in a perfect smile, but people mostly avoid it because they assume that the process of can be unhealthy and time-taking.

Gone were the days when the only way to get the smile makeover is through those traditional metal braces with wires, but now modern dental advanced braces available which are much better than the traditional braces in many aspects. People can now also choose the Invisalign clear aligners which are made of high-grade plastic and transparent.

Invisalign aligners are the very popular and advanced treatment which uses the clear aligner orthodontic trays. The aligner tray can move the teeth effectively and gradually to achieve the teeth straighten results and the process is very gentle for the better smile makeover. Dentist suggests these clear aligners because they can address the issues such as crowded, gapped or crooked, teeth.

Invisalign aligners are the much better option than the wired metal braces for your smile makeover and teeth straightening because unlike the metal braces, Invisalign don’t use any wire and bracket system and due to this the aligners do not irritate your mouth. Aligners is made of the clear plastic which is easy to remove when you want to eat or clean your teeth. It never annoys the cheeks or gums. Dentist suggests that Invisalign because they are completely invisible and no one even notice that you are wearing them and you can face the public with the confidence.

An expert dentist can provide you a series of clear aligners to move your teeth, as per your need.  Invisalign clear aligners can address both severe to moderate dental corrections.

To know more about Invisalign please visit

Metaurus Advisors' Patent in the News

Congratulations to our client, Metaurus Advisors, on the issuance of U.S. Patent No. 10,339,603 for Separately Traded Registered Discount Income and Equity Securities and Systems and Methods for Trading Thereof, which relate to Metaurus' publicly traded XDIV and IDIV EFTS currently traded via the New York Stock Exchange. This the first of many patents we expect to procure for this innovative and groundbreaking financial company.

The Physiotherapist and Sports Players

Physiotherapy is the best way to strengthen your body muscles and it helps to free up joints or muscles after injury. It also works best for patient who have arthritis. Physiotherapy is something that almost every one of us look after in situation of pain and strain, and probably will continue to do it in the future. Physiotherapists are mostly approached by people suffering from chronic diseases such as arthritis.