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How To Determine The Outcome Of Your Sales Process

Most managers rely on subjective appraisals of their sales pipelines for business growth. That means what the pipeline consists today and how that compares to their experiences with the same sales pipeline in the past. There are different ways to determine the outcome of a sales process.

Why Post-Purchase Experience is Critical for Eliminating Churn

Here is a pack of eight best practices for retailers using easy to use CRM which explains and aptly illustrates why post-purchase experience is most needed for eliminating customer churn. Here are eight best practices for retailers using easy to use CRM which explains and aptly illustrates why post-purchase experience is most needed for eliminating customer churn.

How To Use Intent Data Effectively To Become A Sales Rock Star

Most lead generation rock stars in every organization have their own secret recipes when it comes to developing and executing their lead generation campaigns using Easy to use CRM software. There are Ten Commandments for intent data-infused lead generation campaigns which has been described point by point in a very systematic way.