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Tokenization of Real-world Assets

A particular case where tokenization has proven to be full of power deals with the digitalization of real-world assets. This path-breaking concept is oriented to tokenizing tangible assets as real estates, arts and commodities, and transferring these tokens over the blockchain technology platform.

What is Real Estate Tokenization

Along with the faster pace of changes in the real estate market, old windows of property investment embrace a deep, revolutionary transformation using Real Estate Tokenization. What is engaged here is the novel approach that uses blockchain technology to fragment the property ownership into tokenized pieces, in this way that lets financial stakeholders obtain fragments of real estate units.

Cross-Chain DeFi Solutions

In the past, the DeFi industry itself has been a significant disruptor within the financial industry. This is an innovative approach which is leveraging blockchain technology to offer financial services directly in the end users context thus, eradicating the need for intermediaries.