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निम्बू के एक टुकड़े से निकाले किडनी में से पथरी | Benefits of lemon for kidney | Ayurvedic Treatment


Welcome to our Youtube channel “Kidney Treatment Without Dialysis” where we will talk about the ways to treat your kidney disease naturally and other treatment alternatives for your kidney disease and we will also help you to make the right choice for your health. In this video we will talk about the benefits of lemon juice in kidney stones.

The kidneys are one of the most important organs in our human body. They will help in removing the toxins and waste products, maintaining the fluid balance, and filter all the minerals in your blood. This is why we must focus on taking good care of our kidneys and urinary system.

Natural lemon juice contains properties that can boost the health of your kidneys. Lemon extract can increase the citrate levels in your urine which will help the breakup and also prevent kidney stones from developing. Citric acid inhibits the development of kidney stones and can also dissolve small stones before they further develop. As the citric acid content present in the urine increases, protection against the kidney stones also increases.

Note: This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, treatment and diagnosis. You should consult a healthcare provider regarding your medical condition.

कितना क्रिएटिनिन जानलेवा है किडनी रोग में? | how much creatinine level is dangerous | karma ayurveda

The kidneys' primary function is to filter out waste from the body through urine and stool. It helps in flushing out the toxins from the body. When the kidney fails to perform its primary function it results in the accumulation of toxins in the body.

It can lead to various infections in the body. Usually, the arteries get swollen, thin, or may get blocked restricting the flow of blood and oxygen to different organs of the body. With the lack of blood and oxygen, the organs won’t be able to function properly. If the creatinine levels are too high, let’s say 6.8 or 7 it is the stage of risk and might lead to kidney failure. The higher the creatinine higher is the damage made to the kidneys.

The level of creatinine levels in men and women differ and should be considered normal accordingly. If the creatinine levels and the urea is high you need to see the doctor as soon as possible. It might be an indication of danger. If you delay visiting the doctor, it might be too late and it might also lead to kidney failure. So, contact the Ayurvedic doctors today and get yourself checked before it's too late.

इस जानवर के दूध से मिला किडनी को पुनर्जन्म | Milk for Kidney Patients | Karma Ayurveda Hospital

Since childhood, our parents have been stressing over the importance of drinking milk. Milk has calcium and phosphorous in it and makes our bones stronger. Apart from calcium and phosphorous milk also has protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and various types of vitamins.

Milk is something that is considered an essential element for the growth of children and is also considered important for older people. Hence, young and old both can consume milk comfortably.

But the real question is, ‘Is milk safe for kidney disease patients?’ No doubt milk is very important for our well-being, but it is not important that Kidney patients can also consume it. Kidney patients need to be careful with what they eat. Be it medicines, outside food, or even home-cooked meals. Not everything that is good for other people is good for Kidney patients as well. There are many nutrients in the food that are not good for a damaged kidney as it can get difficult for a damaged kidney to digest them.

Similarly, kidney patients should avoid taking medicines on their own. They should only incline towards the medicines that are prescribed by the doctors and should also keep in mind the dosage.

So, watch the video and find out ‘Is milk safe for kidney disease patients?’

सुबह के नाश्ते में ये खाने से किडनी कभी ख़राब नहीं होगी | Best Breakfast for Kidney Disease Patients

Best Breakfast for kidney patients

Welcome to our YouTube channel, “Kidney Treatment Without Dialysis,” where we provide valuable information about kidney health and provide more information to help you make the right choices for your overall health and well-being. If you want to know more about kidney health and what you can eat for breakfast if you are a kidney patient, then you are at the right place!

In this video, we will provide you with information on how you can take care of your kidney’s health. And for that, you must take care of your diet and lifestyle, as an old saying goes. “You should eat breakfast like you are a king, lunch like you are a middle-class person and dinner like you are a beggar” You need to take care of your breakfast. Today we will help you with the food you can include in your breakfast, but always remember to consult a doctor before changing your diet and lifestyle.

Disclaimer: This video is just for educational purposes. We are not doctors; you must consult a healthcare provider or doctor for all your queries. We are not replacing any professional advice.

Subscribe to our channel and get more information on how to treat your kidney disease naturally without dialysis. But you should also take proactive steps to nourish and preserve your kidneys for long-term health.

इस तेल से होगी किडनी सूजन छूमंतर | Kidney Swelling Treatment | karma ayurveda | ayurvedic treatment

Welcome to our YouTube channel “Kidney Treatment Without Dialysis” where we provide valuable information for the world of kidney health and provide valuable information to help you make right choices for your well-being. If you are curious to know about kidney swelling and tips to reduce kidney swelling then you are listening to the right video!

Today in this video we will try to provide you with more information on kidney swelling and some tips that can help you to elevate the kidney swelling that is also known as renal edema. You should have to seek a medical opinion once you detect any sign or symptom of kidney disease. This will help you in getting an early diagnosis and as an old saying goes, “Prevention is better than cure” you should also take some preventative measures such as restricting sodium, potassium, dairy products, or changing your sedentary lifestyle to prevent any further damage.

Subscribe to our channel and watch this video to gain more insights to take care of kidney swelling naturally and what are the tips to take care of your kidney swelling. You should take proactive steps towards nourishing your kidneys naturally and preserving them for long-term health.

Note: We are providing these videos for educational purposes only and we do not suggest replacing professional help. You should consult a healthcare professional before taking any medication or changing your lifestyle or diet.

मात्र 2 महीने में क्रिएटिनिन 6 से 2 हुआ किडनी 80% फेल थी | Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Failure

Karma Ayurveda has thousands of success stories of patients getting treated successfully. We have treated more than 1, 50,000 patients globally. All the methods of treatment used are natural and organic. The medicines provided are tested in our in-house laboratory and are all chemical-free. Another such patient that we have treated is Parbila from Bihar. Initially, when she came to Karma Ayurveda her creatinine levels were 6.5. After getting the treatment from us her creatinine levels dropped to 2.2. Our medicines are safe and can be consumed by people of any age group. It has no side effects and are safe. We are able to treat them without dialysis and transplant. Patients at Karma Ayurveda also get benefitted from post-treatment services. We suggest yoga and other meditation services. After the improvement of kidneys, they are functioning at 30%-40%. The patient came to us on 10 February 2023. Got the reports from outside and Karma Ayurveda was not involved in it. Creatinine was 6.04, urea was 80.3. Another test was done on 17 April 2023 and creatinine was 2.20 and urea was 64. You can also get in touch with us to get cured.

ये 5 हेल्दी फूड्स है किडनी के बेस्ट फ्रेंड | kidney rogi ko kya khana chahiye kya nahi

What are the best kidney friendly foods?

Welcome to our channel Kidney Treatment Without Dialysis where we explore the world of kidney health and provide valuable information to help you make informed choices for your well-being. If you are curious about the best kidney friendly foods and how they can support your kidney’s health and how they can support your health, you are listening to the best video!

In this video we will talk about the realm of kidney friendly nutrition highlighting the foods that can also nourish the foods that can nourish and support your kidney naturally. The essential role of the kidneys is to filter out the waste and maintain the electrolyte and fluid balance in your body. Understanding the significance of optimal kidney health.

We will also shed some light on foods and fruits to eat or avoid. Understanding dietary considerations is essential for maintaining optimal kidney health and preventing the progression of kidney disease.

Subscribe to our channel and watch this video to gain more insights to take care of kidney health naturally and what are the best kidney friendly foods. You should take proactive steps towards nourishing your kidneys naturally and preserving your long-term health.

Note: We only provide information based on our research and for educational purposes only. You should not replace medical advice from a medical professional. Always consult a doctor before taking any step.

ये संकेत दिखे तो किडनी टेस्ट कराये | kidney test kaise hota hai | kidney kharab hone ke lakshan

Kidney Test Kaise Hota Hai If you have ever wondered about how kidney disease is detected and what are the signs that you have to watch out for, then you have come to the right place.

In this video, we drive into the world of detecting kidney disease, providing you with valuable insights into the diagnostic methods, symptoms, and signs. We want you to know about how kidney disease can be identified early for timely management and intervention. And this video will serve as a valuable resource for individuals who want to get some knowledge about detecting kidney disease. By watching this video you can get a deep understanding of all the symptoms and signs that are associated with kidney diseases, empowering you to take proactive steps to have better kidney health.

Subscribe to our channel for more informative content on kidney health. And always remember that early detection can make a significant difference in managing kidney disease and preserving your overall health.

And lastly, do remember that the information provided here is for educational purposes. Always consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment options that are tailored according to your individual needs and medical history.

How to Reduce Creatinine? | Kidney Treatment in India | dr Puneet kidney specialist | karma ayurveda

Prenit Kumar Patel is a #creatinine patient who visited Karma Ayurveda and enrolled at IPD of the 40 bedded NABH hospitals in Delhi. Before, he struggled with weakness, low Hemoglobin 7, and high creatinine that reached 10.3 mg/dL. After taking treatment from Karma Ayurveda, he found relief. But there is still a slight weakness. Before, he was treated at an allopathy hospital, as he got admitted to ICU, and a catheter was attached.

The doctor eventually advised regular dialysis and a kidney transplant. The wife was considered a living donor for the transplant. After Karma ayurveda, she experienced changes like a new appetite, good sleep quality, and urine output. Urine flow is normal. His Kidney is working well, and GFR and urine output are improving. Before, he had shortness of breath which is not happening presently.

After taking #kidneytreatment from #KarmaAyurveda, he recovered, his energy increased, and creatinine and weakness were reduced. Now she has a good appetite and can get a good sleep. He is following a proper diet and lifestyle as instructed by the doctor for diet, yoga, and therapy.

Proper medical history is considered. He has been staying here at IPD for the past 20 days. Yoga, walking, and other outdoor sessions are given so as to gain improvement in health condition.

डायलिसिस के बिना किडनी फेल ठीक करे| Kidney Failure Treatment without dialysis | creatinine treatment

Hello guys, welcome to our youtube channel - Kidney Treatment without Dialysis. Can a kidney patient be treated without Dialysis? Yes, it is possible by ayurveda. Before this, if you haven’t subscribed to our youtube channel, then do subscribe to it. Firstly, we will know why a kidney patient needs Dialysis.

The Kidney helps to remove the toxic elements from the body and takes filtered blood to the heart. The heart then pumps the blood to other parts of the body. But what would happen if the kidneys stopped functioning? There would be a flow of unfiltered blood. After this, the patient opts for Dialysis. In dialysis mechanisms, a machine is used which filter the blood of the body. Now let’s get acquainted with why kidneys get damaged, when waste material is accumulated in the Kidney, like urea, creatinine level increase, and kidney functions get affected. Like there is a cause behind every disease, kidney disease too has several prime causes, including High blood pressure, heart disease, and Diabetes.

A patient can experience several symptoms like Loss of appetite, swollen legs and ankles, itchiness all over th body, frequent urination, and Tiredness and Weakness. Besides these, patients are required to perform yogasanas - • Virabhadrasana • Trikonasana • Bhujangasana • Marjariasana • Uttanasana • Shavasana • So, in this manner, you can keep your kidneys healthy. You should perform all these exercises on a regular basis. But make sure to consult the doctor once before. See the video carefully to procure detailed information. So, keep watching our informative channel - Kidney Treatment without Dialysis.

ये खाने से काबू में रहेगा क्रिएटिनिन लेवल | Diet to control high creatinine level | kidney treatment

Diet to Control Creatinine Level Are you worried about your increasing creatinine level? Don’t fret! The video is for you! But before moving ahead, subscribe to our youtube channel - Kidney Treatment without Dialysis.

Today's video will tell you what foods to consume if your creatinine level is high. Stay tuned and get to know the food to lower your high creatinine. So, let’s begin today’s video, which is as follows –

As we know, high creatinine is not suitable for our Kidney health, and if it is not taken care of, it may cause Kidney failure.

So, if you want to avoid Kidney failures like situations or problems related to the Kidney, you can include several foods in your diet that can lower your high creatinine level. Increase the intake of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidant-rich foods in your diet. If talking about vegetables, involve bitter gourd, radish, capsicum, and onion.

On the other hand, if talking about fruits to decrease high creatinine levels, you can involve cranberry, blueberry, and red grapes, like fruits enriched with antioxidants. Consuming these are beneficial for high creatinine level issues. Besides these, you can involve camomile tea and green tea to reduce high creatinine. Stay connected with us, and keep watching Kidney treatment without dialysis.

टॉप 10 फ़ूड किडनी रोगी को खाना जरुरी है | 10 Foods to Heal kidneys | kidney rogi kya khaye kya nahi

Foods to heal the Kidney Today, through our Kidney treatment without dialysis, we shed light on an important topic: What foods heal the Kidney? So, stay tuned till the end. If you are a kidney patient, you should include those foods in your diet that are rich in fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and Vitamins. All these nutrients are good for kidney disease. Additionally, consuming these can also keep you safe from other physical concerns.

To accomplish these, you can also take cabbage, cauliflower, brinjal, radish, onion, ridged gourd, tinda, parwal, and bitter gourd. While in fruits, you can take pineapple, java plum, apple, papaya, red grapes, blueberry, and raspberry, like fruits. Not only this, when it's about the favorable oil for kidney patient, Olive oil and mustard oil is the name that comes to mind. Kidney patients must limit consuming protein, potassium, and sodium-rich nutrients because food in excess can increase kidney problems. So, if you are dealing with kidney disease, include these foods in your diet.

Hope you find this video on What foods heal the Kidney? Valuable and informative. Kidney patients often come across the question of what to eat and what not to eat. Patients might need to coordinate closely with the doctor. Every time it's not possible for the patient to procure assistance. At such times, to get more helpful updates, keep watching Kidney treatment without dialysis.

Kidney rogi kya kha saktey hai | Diet for Kidney Failure Patients | Diet to control kidney disease

Diet For Kidney Patients

Kidney diseases are very serious, and hence you cannot neglect it. If potassium and creatinine levels are in control, a kidney failure patient can quickly get a non-complicated life. Today, people are suffering from different kidney related diseases and are taking doctor's prescribed medications. But do you know that you can also adopt a proper diet in your kidney disease treatment?

The restrictions that are associated with kidney patients' diet differ from person to person and the extent of kidney damage. In case you have a kidney condition, make sure to get in touch with your healthcare provider or dietician and discuss the most suitable diet for you. Most kidney diets focus on eliminating toxins and wastes present in the blood as they will focus on controlling urea, potassium, creatinine, calcium, and sodium.

Experts at Karma Ayurveda provide the best diet chart for kidney patients. It is very important for everyone to consult a doctor before cutting or adding anything to their diet.

हफ्ते में बढ़ेगा खून किडनी रोगी ये खाये | Diet to increase hemoglobin in kidney failure

Kidney Patient Hemoglobin Kese Bdhae

Reducing your body's ability to produce new red blood cells is the leading cause of anemia. It is a condition in which an individual's healthy red blood cells will become unable to carry adequate oxygen amounts to the body. When a patient's kidney fails to perform its function, it will result in the accumulation of toxins or waste materials in the patient's body, like urea or creatinine. Kidney failure can occur due to diabetes, high blood pressure, or other genetic disorders. Whenever someone suffers because of these, the kidney starts losing its function, which will result in increased creatinine and urea levels in a patient's body. Accumulation of waste products in our body causes some other symptoms like swelling in feet, hands, and legs or weakness in the body. You can easily detect an anemic patient because they will have a pale face and fight body due to low hemoglobin. You can maintain hemoglobin deficiency by maintaining iron and increasing hemoglobin.

According to Ayurveda, Pitta, flowing incorrectly is the source of nutrient deficiency. So, rather than an evident food deficiency, the main problem with the body's fire element causes anemia. Excessive physical effort and excessive eating of salty or sour foods can be the main things that you can blame for your condition.

किडनी का फंक्शन बढ़ जायेगा ये खाने से | Diet to Increase kidney Function | How to Improve GFR Level

Diet to Increase GFR

Do subscribe to our channel - Kidney Treatment without Dialysis, if you haven’t subscribed il yet. Purifiers have filters to clean the water and remove toxic elements from the water. Similarly, our kidneys have filters that we call Glomerular, and this filter removes the toxins from the blood. If the kidneys get affected, our toxic elements accumulate in the body..

The more the #GFR rate is, the more efficiently your kidneys will function. Now the question arrives how can you increase GFR level in the body? So, today we will discuss how to increase the GFR level.

Through a GFR test, you can quickly know about it. GFR is calculated in 1.73 m2. A healthy person has a GFR of 90 or more. In case the GFR is below 90, then it means your kidneys are not functioning well. When the GFR goes below 15, then a patient could experience kidney failure.

Patients must focus on their diet to avoid getting into failure-like conditions. Vegetables like bottle gourd, tinda, ridged gourd, parwal, raw papaya, pumpkin, green chili, cabbage, bitter gourd, carrot, and onion a patient should consume daily. This will decrease your creatinine level, improving kidney function and increasing the GFR. A patient can consume apples, pears, papaya, and guava in fruits. Make sure to eat guava after removing the seeds.

Consult the doctor before consuming these. Limit salt consumption as it has sodium, which is unsuitable for the kidneys' health. You can use rock salt instead. Give up smoking habits that too, impact your kidneys. So, these are some of the ways in which you can avoid the decrease in GFR level.

Watch the video carefully till the end to gain valuable insight into the video. Until then, keep watching Kidney treatment without Dialysis.

गर्मियों में इन Tips से रखें अपनी किडनी को Healthy | Kidney Treatment in India | Ayurvedic Treatment

Since the summer’s intense heat can harm everyone, especially those suffering from kidney disease, we must take some extra steps to ensure a safe and joyful summer.

Water intake by kidney patients in summer: 1. Drink an adequate amount of fluids. 2. While being hydrated in summer is very important, individuals who have kidney disease need to be careful not to overdo it. Consult your doctor if you believe your summer hydration needs should be altered.

During the summer months, numerous kidney patients want to consume a diet that can help keep the body hydrated and calm, so in this video, we will share some tips for kidney health. Watching the video till the end without skipping will help you a lot.

Note: If you are a kidney patient, then it is necessary that you should not consume citric foods as they are not suitable for your kidney health

You should not take anything on your own; we are just information providers, not doctors, consult a health specialist at Karma Ayurveda and then make your diet accordingly.