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मोरिंगा के पत्ते फायदेमंद है किडनी के लिए | Herbs for Kidney Failure | Karma Ayurveda treatment

India is considered very rich in fruits and vegetables; today, there is one such vegetable about which we will tell you. Whose name is Moringa, if you have heard its name for the first time, then let us tell you that Drumstick is called #Moringa

Hello and welcome to our channel, Kidney treatment without dialysis, where we will tell you about kidney infections. Today we will know about some of its benefits in our channel kidney treatment without dialysis, and at the same time, we will also tell you whether kidney patients can consume it or not.

So let's start our today's topic without wasting time. Moringa is a type of legume whose vegetable is made, as well as many people, consume it by adding it to lentils.

It is used in making sambar; it is delicious to eat and full of nutrients. It has many properties which help in keeping you and your kidney healthy. Moringa means that the consumption of drumsticks keeps you away from the risk of diabetes. Its consumption helps reduce the sugar level in your blood, due to which the sugar level in your blood remains normal, and you stay away from the problem of diabetes. And let us tell you that keeping the sugar level in the blood normal is beneficial for your kidney. Along with this, Moringa helps to keep your bones strong. Moringa is considered a good source of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.

Let us tell you that one of the functions of your kidney is to make your bones strong, so it would not be wrong to say that Moringa helps keep your kidney healthy. But let us tell you that those with kidney failure are prohibited from consuming it. Because Moringa has a high water content, which can increase the function of damaged kidneys.

Along with this, potassium is high, which can put pressure on kidney function. So kidney patients should not consume it. But those whose kidney is healthy and want to keep their kidney healthy must include Moringa in their diet. Include Moringa in your diet; it strengthens your immune system, which makes you less sick. Its consumption helps keep your liver healthy, so the rest of your body can also do its work comfortably.

Moringa is considered very beneficial to meet the lack of blood in the body. It contains iron which protects you from anemia disease. The consumption of Moringa keeps your heart healthy so that you avoid problems like heart attack and heart blockage. Along with this, Moringa does not allow cancer cells to form in your body, so you stay away from serious diseases like cancer. Moringa is considered very effective in reducing the increasing obesity.

So these are some special benefits of Moringa, but kidney patients should not consume it without consulting a doctor.

LOW सोडियम डाइट किडनी रोगी जरूर खाये | Karma Ayurveda Kidney Patient Diet chart

Many people consume too much salt, which is dangerous for their health. In the same way, eating sodium-rich food in large quantities can make you fall sick.

Sodium is a type of mineral that is very important for your body. It is a major electrolyte of our body that controls our blood pressure. Along with this, sodium consumption is beneficial for muscles and nerve cell function. But, let us tell you that overconsumption of sodium can make you a victim of heart and kidney disease.

Hello and welcome to our channel kidney treatment without dialysis, where we give you significant information related to kidneys. Today we will tell you about the #lowsodiumdiet and inform you which type of diet affects your kidneys adversely.

Normally you should take 2.4 gm of sodium in a day. But those facing heart disease should limit sodium intake to 1.5 gm per day.

Let's know low sodium food. Apple It is said that eating one apple a day keeps you healthy and free from disease. That's why you must eat one apple a day. One hundred grams of apples contain 1mg of sodium. The good thing about apples is that kidney patients can eat them.

Orange It helps to prevent many health problems. Orange is a citrus fruit that helps detox kidneys. Kidney patients should not consume oranges as they can be harmful to them.

Banana It has less sodium and potassium in the right amount that doesn't let your blood pressure increase, and your heart and kidneys remain fine. But, kidney patients should not consume.

Spinach If you include spinach in your diet, then it helps detox your kidneys. It has the right amount of water. It has lots of vitamins and minerals that keep your kidneys healthy. But kidney patients should not eat it as it can increase uric acid.

Carrot The good thing about carrots is that kidney patients can eat them. It has less amount of sodium and more vitamins and minerals.

So, these were a few things kidney patients can eat and a few that should be avoided.

Before including anything from these, a kidney patient must consult a doctor. So that's all for today.

If there is any problem in your kidney, do not ignore it, and if you want to take treatment for your kidney, then Ayurvedic treatment is the safest. Because in ayurvedic treatment, there is no harm to your kidney. If you want the best Ayurvedic treatment for kidneys, then you can contact Karma Ayurveda for this.

Karma Ayurveda gives you a completely natural treatment that does not have any bad effects on your body and keeps you away from problems like dialysis and kidney transplants. If you have kidney problems and want a better solution, you can contact Karma Ayurveda.

1 सेब खा कर करे किडनी ठीक | Fruits for Kidney Patients | Diet for Kidney Failure in hindi

An #apple a day keeps you away from many diseases. Today in our channel kidney treatment without dialysis, we will tell you how important it is to consume apples for healthy kidneys. But before starting, those who have not subscribed to our channel, please do subscribe. So, let's start with today's topic.

Apple juice contains Vitamin B, and C, magnesium, Iron, Manganese, calcium, and copper that helps keep your body healthy.

Apple is also called the best antioxidant source. It has polyphenol and flavonoid that keeps your heart healthy. Potassium found in apple juice keeps you away from heart attack and heart blockage problems. Apple juice is a good source to detox your kidneys. If we talk about kidney patients, they can include apples in their diet, but they cannot consume apple juice.

Apple juice is beneficial for asthma. Apple juice has phytochemicals that are rich in antioxidants. The impact of apple juice prevents you from lung disease. Apple juice is also benefial for the stomach, and it keeps you away from constipation problems. Continuous use of apple juice reduces your fat and reduces body weight. Apple juice also contains anti-cancer properties. It further controls blood -pressure and promotes heart health. Apple juice improves your bone strength and immune system.

So that's all for today.

If there is any problem in your kidney, do not ignore it, and if you want to take treatment for your kidney, then Ayurvedic treatment is the safest. Because in ayurvedic treatment, there is no harm to your kidney. If you want the best Ayurvedic treatment for kidneys, then you can contact Karma Ayurveda for this.

Karma Ayurveda gives you a completely natural treatment that does not have any bad effects on your body and keeps you away from problems like dialysis and kidney transplants. If you have kidney problems and want a better solution, you can contact Karma Ayurveda.

ये संकेत है किडनी इन्फेक्शन का इशारा | Kidney Infection Symptoms in Hindi | karma Ayurveda Treatment

Hello and welcome to our channel, Kidney treatment without dialysis, where we will tell you about kidney infections. Also, we will tell you some home remedies for kidney infections.

So let's start with today's topic. The risk for kidney infection increases when you accept those changes which are harmful to you. The chances of kidney infection increase when you start holding urine, and you also drink less water. Drinking less water leads to less urine output and increases the toxins in the body; your kidneys malfunction.

Today we will tell a few home remedies. If you include watermelon in your daily diet, then it keeps you away from a kidney infection. It has lots of water, increasing urine output in the body. To protect yourself from a kidney infection, you must consume Vitamin C-rich foods like Amla, Lemon. Orange, etc. When you consume these foods, the toxins come out through your body's urine. You must care about one thing you should not hold urine; otherwise, it can cause a kidney infection.

It is also essential that you must limit protein in your diet. You must consume munakka water to stay away from a kidney infection. Berries, lemon water, and sugarcane juice help prevent kidney infections.

So that's all for today. If there is any problem in your kidney, do not ignore it, and if you want to take treatment for your kidney, then Ayurvedic treatment is the safest. Because in ayurvedic treatment, there is no harm to your kidney. If you want the best Ayurvedic treatment for kidneys, then you can contact Karma Ayurveda for this.

Karma Ayurveda gives you a completely natural treatment that does not have any bad effects on your body and keeps you away from problems like dialysis and kidney transplants. If you have any kidney problems and want a better solution, then you can contact Karma Ayurveda.

इन फलो से हो जाएगी किडनी की मौत | Bad Fruits for Kidney Patients | karma Ayurveda reviews

Hello, welcome to our youtube channel, kidney treatment without dialysis, where we give you much important information related to kidneys.

Today in this video, we will tell you about citrus fruits and answer a question. Please watch this video till the end.

When your mood is off, and you eat citrus fruits, then it feels good. Be it orange, Imli, or lemon. Almost everyone loves these fruits. These fruits are beneficial for our health. Orange is very good for health.

If you are facing a urine-related issue, you must include one orange in your diet. If you are a diabetes patient, you must eat an orange because it helps control blood sugar levels. Orange has pectin that controls cholesterol levels, blood flow remains good, and blood pressure remains under control. BP, Diabetes is the most common cause of kidney problems.

Now let's talk about kamrak fruit. It is very good for the kidneys. It has potassium and control sodium level in the blood, increasing blood flow and controlling blood pressure. It also absorbs extra glucose, and blood sugar level remains under control. Now the question arises of whether kidney patients should eat citrus fruits.

The answer is NO. Because all citrus fruits have high potassium and damaged kidneys cannot flush out high amounts of potassium. The second reason is that citrus fruits have oxalate, increasing the chances of kidney stones. Swelling also increases after consuming citrus fruits, and kidney patients are not allowed to eat citrus fruits.

That's all for today.

If you are troubled by a kidney problem, you can contact Karma Ayurveda. In the Karma Ayurveda treatment center, you get solutions to all types of kidney-related problems, and this treatment is completely natural and has no side effects. In Karma Ayurveda Treatment Center, you are given information about successful treatment and a better diet that benefits your health. You avoid problems like dialysis and kidney transplants in Karma Ayurveda and get natural treatment. If you like our video, don't forget to like and share; also, you can give us your thoughts and suggestions through a comment. If you are troubled by kidney problems, you can contact us through WhatsApp. Our number is on the screen.

स्वर्ग का फल खाये किडनी मजबूत बनाये | Anjeer ke fayde | karma Ayurveda review | kidney diet

You might have eaten many fruits and dry fruits for your health. But have you ever eaten such fruit that has directly come from heaven?

Hello and welcome to our channel, Kidney treatment without dialysis, where we give you significant information related to kidneys and kidney patient diet. Today in this video, we will tell you about Anjeer, or you can say Fig. In Bible, Anjeer has been described.

Let's know how Fig is beneficial for kidneys. The first benefit of Anjeer is that it keeps our digestive system strong. It prevents constipation, and it helps to avoid piles and kidney disease. #Anjeer keeps diabetes level under control. It has a fibber that activates insulin and keeps sugar under control.

Fig helps keep bones strong. It contains calcium and potassium in good amounts.

Anjeer has flavonoids, phenol, and potassium reduces the chances of high blood pressure.

So, these were the benefits of Anjeer. Now, the question arises can kidney patients eat Anjeer? So, the answer is No.

So that's all for today. If there is any problem in your kidney, do not ignore it, and if you want to take treatment for your kidney, then Ayurvedic treatment is the safest. Because in ayurvedic treatment, there is no harm to your kidney. If you want the best Ayurvedic treatment for kidneys, then you can contact Karma Ayurveda for this.

Karma Ayurveda gives you a completely natural treatment that does not have any bad effect on your body and keeps you away from problems like dialysis and kidney transplants. If you are in any kidney problem and want a better solution, then you can contact Karma Ayurveda.

खराब किडनी कैसे ठीक हुई जानिये Dr Puneet Kidney Specialist से | karma Ayurveda reviews

Hello and welcome to our youtube channel Karma Ayurveda where we always give you significant information related to kidneys and kidney patient diet. Today in this video, we will tell you about one of our patients who recovered from a kidney disorder after getting treatment from Karma Ayurveda.

Md. Yunus from JafarGanj, a small town in Fatehpur Distt, traveled to Delhi to appreciate Dr. Puneet for his great work.

Md. Yunus had kidney disease, and his #creatinine levels were 13.5mg/dL when he approached Dr. Puneet. His health was so severe that he barely walked without his caregivers. But, with Dr. Puneet’s treatment, diet plans, and guidance, Md. Yunus creatinine went down to 6.8mg/dL. Also, he got rid of the disease causes, signs, and complications; on top of this, Md. Yunus prevented the risk of #kidneydialysis and, after that, kidney transplant with Ayurvedic medicines.

We all know the importance of kidneys for enjoying a happy and successful life. Still, we do not take precautions to keep our kidneys healthy and maintain vitality. In this case, we interact with kidney problems such as high creatinine, chronic kidney disease, or kidney failure.

To combat and treat kidney disease, people always prefer allopathy. However, allopathy is vital to coping with instant problems like heart attacks.

But for complete kidney disease remission, you require treatment to control the leading causes of a health issue. Ayurveda does that for you; it attacks the main culprit, eliminates the signs of disease, and wards off complications.

If you are a kidney patient or anyone you know has kidney disease, visit Karma Ayurveda. With our natural medicines, you, like Md. Yunus, can win your kidney battle without dialysis. So that's all for today. If there is any problem in your kidney, do not ignore it, and if you want to take treatment for your kidney, then Ayurvedic treatment is the safest. Because in ayurvedic treatment, there is no harm to your kidney. If you want the best Ayurvedic treatment for kidneys, then you can contact Karma Ayurveda for this. Karma Ayurveda gives you a completely natural treatment that does not have any bad effects on your body and keeps you away from problems like dialysis and kidney transplants. If you are in any kidney problems and want a better solution, then you can contact Karma Ayurveda.

ये खाने से पेशाब में झाग आना रुकेगा How to Stop Foamy Urine | Karma Ayurveda Reviews | Urine Problem

Foam in #urine is common, but it becomes a serious condition when faced continuously and due to this many complications. It can be fatal for you. Welcome to our YouTube channel, Kidney treatment without dialysis, Where we give you much important information about the kidney.

Today, in this video, we will tell you how foam in urine can be prevented and what to eat to prevent this problem. So, let's start with our video. Those who drink less water can notice foam in urine. If you have kidney disease, you can also see foamy urine because you may be suffering from protein loss in urine. Foamy urine also signifies urine infection; timely treatment is necessary. You can contact a doctor. Now, let's discuss what to include in your diet. You can take lemon water as it contains citrate, flavonoid, vitamin C and Vitamin E. Its consumption can prevent the problem of foamy urine. It is also the best way to prevent the problem of stones in the kidney.

Next is curd. Curd contains calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphate, Potassium, Sodium, Zinc, etc., whose consumption keeps you healthy and it keeps your immune system strong. Those who suffer from foamy urine should consume curd. Next is Apple cider vinegar. It helps detox kidneys and contains such elements that prevent the problem of foamy urine.

Coconut water is another source that is healthy during foamy urine. So, these are a few things you can add to your diet to prevent the problem of foamy urine.

So that's all for today. If there is any problem in your kidney, do not ignore it, and if you want to take treatment for your kidney, then Ayurvedic treatment is the safest. Because in ayurvedic treatment, there is no harm to your kidney. If you want the best Ayurvedic treatment for kidneys, then you can contact Karma Ayurveda for this.

Karma Ayurveda gives you a completely natural treatment that does not harm your body and keeps you away from problems like dialysis and kidney transplants. If you are in any kidney problems and want a better solution, then you can contact Karma Ayurveda.

#talkshow | किडनी फेल में कौनसी सब्ज़ी और फल खाने चाहिए ? | karma Ayurveda diet chart reviews

Hello and welcome to our show Arogya, where we always give important information related to kidneys.

Today in this video, we will ask a few questions whose answers will be given by our expert. We have an expert dietician with us who will answer your questions.

First, can kidney patients consume tea?

Kidney patients should not consume tea because it disturbs sleep and hunger hormones. It is recommended to drink green tea.

Second question Can kidney stone patients consume paneer? Yes, they can consume paneer. But before eating paneer, the nutritional content must be checked. How much sodium, fat, and potassium level does it contain? These things should be checked.

The third question is can kidney patients consume Raisin water? Raisin water is good for health, but kidney patients should avoid it because it has high potassium that can damage the kidneys.

Fourth question Can kidney patients eat cucumber? Yes, kidney patients can eat cucumber as it has less potassium. However, it is necessary to check electrolytes. If you find high potassium, then consume it after boiling and without seeds because its seeds contain phosphorus and are harmful to kidney patients.

Last question Can kidney patients eat Brinjal? Brinjal contains a lot of potassium and phosphorus. Thus, it should not be consumed by kidney patients. But kidney patients can eat Loki, Tinda, Tauri, and many more.

So, that's all for today. We hope you liked this video and you have got the answer to your questions.

karma ayurveda reviews by kidney creatinine patient | creatinine treatment

Mrs Bhagmati Devi from Delhi was a patient of #chronic_kidney_disease, and her creatinine was 2.5mg/dL. Along with high creatinine, CKD caused her weakness, diabetes, hypertension, pain in her legs and hands, and poor appetite.

According to allopathic doctors,' the condition of the patient was incurable. And it was impossible to cure the patient without dialysis.

But, fortunately, the patient believed in Karma Ayurveda and took their treatment.

Now, the patient is healthy and has no CKD and its related complications. The patient's #creatinine came down to 0.5mg/dL. Also, she saved herself from the need for dialysis.

We hope you will contact us if you have any kidney problems. Our treatment is 100% natural and has no side effects.

इन टिप्स से होगा क्रिएटिनिन 100% कम | Tips to Reduce Creatinine Level | Karma Ayurveda Reviews

Hello, welcome to our youtube channel, kidney treatment without dialysis, where we give you much important information related to kidneys.

Today in this video, we will give you a few tips to lower creatinine. So, let's start with today's topic. Consuming too much protein can increase the creatinine level. Therefore, when the creatinine level increases, eat only a limited amount of protein. It is said that all body diseases start in our stomach and can be eliminated from the stomach itself.

2) Do not perform vigorous exercise Various exercises like weight lifting, powerlifting, abdominal crunches, deadlifting, and bench press can increase your creatinine levels simultaneously. You can perform yoga and aerobics.

3) Protect yourself from frequent fever and cold Fever and cold are common problems. But frequent fever and cold can increase your creatinine levels and increases the chances of kidney damage.

4) High blood pressure Those with high blood pressure are more prone to kidney damage. You can make lifestyle changes to prevent this condition.

5) Eat less sodium More sodium consumption increases creatinine levels, damaging kidney nephrons, and our kidneys cannot filter blood properly.

6) Limit caffeine intake Excessive usage of caffeine can increase your creatinine levels and damage your kidneys.

So, these were a few things a kidney patient should not consume to prevent increasing creatinine.

That's all for today. I hope you like our given information.

If there is any problem in your kidney, do not ignore it, and if you want to take treatment for your kidney, then Ayurvedic treatment is the safest. Because in Ayurvedic treatment, there is no harm to your kidney. Ayurvedic treatment is completely natural and naturally does its work. If you want the best Ayurvedic treatment for kidneys, then you can contact Karma Ayurveda for this.

Karma Ayurveda gives you a natural treatment that does not harm your body and keeps you away from problems like dialysis and kidney transplants. If you are in any kidney problems and want a better solution, then you can contact Karma Ayurveda. For more such videos related to kidney diseases, make sure you comment below and reach out to our health experts.

ये फल बिलकुल ना खाये किडनी रोगी | Bad Fruit for Kidney Patients | karma Ayurveda review

Do you know that mango is called the king of fruits? Mango is a fruit that most people like; if mango is raw, it is used for making pickles and chutneys, and many people consume it like this. And if the mango is ripe, it becomes sweet and fun to eat. But you only know its taste but do you know its benefits? If you do not know, then it does not matter; today, we will tell you about some special benefits of mango and why kidney patients cannot consume it.

Hello, welcome to our youtube channel kidney treatment without dialysis, Where we give you much important information related to kidneys, similarly today we have brought a very important topic for you,

Today we will tell you what is the reason why kidney patients cannot consume mangoes. So let's start our today's topic. Mango looks very tasty, and most people like to consume it; it has many benefits, which help keep your kidney healthy. But let us tell you that those with kidney failure are prohibited from consuming it. We will know further why kidney patients cannot eat mangoes. But first of all, let us know how mango benefits the kidney. Consumption of mango does not allow the cholesterol to increase in your body, due to which your blood remains clean, and your blood circulation is also fine. Due to this, there is no pressure on your kidney's work, and your kidney can do its work properly. Along with this, mango contains vitamin C in the right amount, which enhances your immune system.

Mango consumption benefits those with kidney stone problems, but they should consume mangoes only after consulting a doctor. And those with any other problem other than kidney stones are completely prohibited from consuming mangoes. The amount of potassium in mango is very high, and its consumption is considered more dangerous for the damaged kidney.

That's why kidney patients are prohibited from consuming it. But when we talk about mango's benefits, it has many such benefits, which also keep your kidney healthy. So those whose kidney is fine must consume mango in their diet. By eating mango, you avoid the problem of increasing blood pressure; also, mango can be a good option for keeping blood sugar normal. And keeping your blood pressure normal and blood sugar normal is considered very good for your kidney. But diabetic patients should not consume it without a doctor's advice. Apart from this, consuming mango is very beneficial to keep bones strong. Consuming mango keeps your mind active, Along with this, if you want to lose weight, mango can be a good and tasty option. Consuming it in the right amount protects you from becoming obese. Antioxidants in mango protect against colon, leukemia, and prostate cancer. Mango has laxative properties, which keep you away from stomach-related problems. Also, its consumption is considered good for your eyes and skin.

ये खाने से 24 घंटो में बढ़ेगा GFR ( किडनी फंक्शन ) | How to Improve GFR Level | Kidney Treatment

What to eat to increase GFR?

#GFR , i.e., Glomerular Filtration Rate, when it is high, means that your kidney is working properly, but if GFR is low, then it indicates a malfunction in the kidney.

Hello, welcome to our youtube channel, kidney treatment without dialysis, where we give you much important information related to kidneys. Similarly, today we will tell you which diet should be taken to increase the glomerular filtration rate. So let's start our today's topic.

The #glomerular_filtration_rate tells the stage of your kidney and how well your kidney is functioning. When the GFR is 90%, it is the first stage of the kidney, and in this stage, there are no specific signs of kidney failure. After this, in the second stage of kidney failure, GFR works from 60 to 89%; too many times, no special symptoms are seen. But there can be problems related to urine, and ignoring it can increase kidney failure.

In the third stage of kidney failure, the GFR is 30 to 59%, with a significant reduction in #kidneyfunction In this, many changes are seen in the body. In the third stage of kidney failure, along with problems related to urine, you may have many other problems in the body. GFR 15 to 29% is a serious condition of kidney failure. In this, along with changes in urinary function, there may be problems like pain and fever in the lower part of the body. Because when the GFR is less than 15, it is the last stage of kidney failure for which dialysis or kidney transplant remains the only option in allopathy.

Let us know what you can take into your diet. First, let's talk about grains. To increase GFR, you must include bread made of wheat flour, rice, pulses in cereals, and all those things which are easy to digest in your diet. In pulses, it can be beneficial to eat tur dal, washed moong dal, lentils, and gram lentils. But keep in mind that if there is more kidney failure, then only eat the washed moong dal; the rest of the pulses should be avoided. If we talk about vegetables, then to increase GFR, you should eat green vegetables that are easy to digest. Along with this, vegetables of Gheya, Tinda, Zucchini, Parwal, Pumpkin, Cabbage, Bitter gourd, Carrot, Cucumber, Onion, and Raw Papaya can also be eaten. If you eat vegetables with juice, then it is easy to digest and also helps in increasing your GFR here.

But those with kidney failure should not eat green leafy vegetables; their consumption can increase uric acid. To increase GFR, you can consume seasonal fruits in fruits and eat apples, red grapes, berries, pears, pineapple, papaya, guava, and kiwi in your daily diet. But you have to remember that those with kidney failure should not consume these fruits without doctor's advice.

1 निम्बू करेगा किडनी बिलकुल साफ़ | 1 lemon can clean your kidney | Kidney Treatment without Dialysis

Today, in this video, we will discuss lemons' benefits.

So, let's start with today's topic.

Lemon is a small-sized citrus food that is used in food and has many benefits. Lemon contains calcium, potassium, and fiber in good quantities. Lemon is also considered a refreshing drink. It is rich in anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Your blood remains toxic-free after the consumption of lemon.

The special thing about lemon is that you can eat lemon in any way and the taste of lemon remains the same.

There are no harmful chemicals in lemon drinks. But, kidney patients cannot consume lemon because it is a citric food, and it can be a reason for swelling in the body. But those who have kidney stones can consume lemon.

People with healthy kidneys can consume lemon. High blood pressure is the major reason for kidney damage. The high salt content in our food results in high blood pressure. It becomes the reason for kidney failure. It is important to control high blood pressure. Those who have kidney stones are highly recommended to consume lemon.

Lemon can fulfill iron deficiency, and lemon also keeps immunity strong. If you consume lemon, your weight is also under control. Lemon is also good for skin and hair. Lemon has citrus acid that also prevents cancer disease. The nature of lemon is acidic.

So that's all for today. If there is any problem in your kidney, do not ignore it, and if you want to take treatment for your kidney, then Ayurvedic treatment is the safest. Because in ayurvedic treatment, there is no harm to your kidney. If you want the best Ayurvedic treatment for kidneys, then you can contact Karma Ayurveda for this.

Karma Ayurveda gives you a completely natural treatment that does not harm your body and keeps you away from problems like dialysis and kidney transplants. If you are in any kidney problems and want a better solution, then you can contact Karma Ayurveda.

दुनिया की सबसे शक्तिशाली जड़ी बूटी करेगी किडनी ठीक | Ayurvedic Medicine for Kidney | अर्जुन की छाल

For centuries, there has been a tree in Ayurveda called evergreen, the tree of Arjuna. In general, the bark of Arjuna is used as a medicine.

Today we will tell you in our channel kidney treatment without dialysis how arjuna bark is for your kidney. And will also speak about its other benefits.

So let's start today's topic and learn some special things about Arjun bark. Not one but many such chemicals are found in the bark of Arjuna, which helps in keeping your rising blood pressure normal. And let us tell you that keeping your blood pressure normal helps keep your kidney healthy. The consumption of Arjun bark keeps your blood clean so that there is no pressure in your work and your kidney remains healthy. But let us tell you that kidney patients should not consume it without knowledgeable advice. Because it contains many chemicals and nutrients, which can harm the damaged kidney, so kidney patients should not consume it without doctor or any knowledge. But for those whose kidneys are healthy, its consumption is beneficial.

Arjun's bark can be very beneficial for people with frequent stomach ulcer problems. Because there are many such elements in the bark of Arjuna, which help in preventing ulcers. If you consume Arjun bark, then your blood sugar level remains normal, and you stay away from the risk of diabetes. And let us tell you that when your blood sugar is normal, your kidney can also do its work properly. A common cause of ear pain is believed to be a bacterial infection. Its consumption protects you from many infections occurring in the body and keeps you away from the problem related to urine. Arjun's bark is considered very beneficial for those with urine infection problems. The problem of infection in the urine can increase kidney failure, for which Arjun bark is very beneficial. But we have already told you that kidney patients should not consume it without a doctor's advice. Arjuna's bark strengthens your immune system, thereby protecting you from diseases occurring in the body.

Arjun's bark is also considered very beneficial for overcoming problems like fever. For those who want to lose weight, eating Arjun bark is considered good. And reducing obesity keeps you away from many other diseases occurring in the body because it is said that obesity makes your body a home to diseases. Therefore, to reduce your weight, you can use Arjun bark naturally. So these are some special benefits of Arjun bark, which help keep the rest of the body, including your kidneys, in good shape. But kidney patients should not consume it without knowledgeable advice. That's all for today.

I hope you like our given information.

LOW SODIUM DIET किडनी रोगी के लिए | kidney rogi ko kya khana chahiye | kidney diet

Today in this video, we will tell you about a low sodium diet. Most people consume a lot of salt, and it can be fatal. In the same way, consuming sodium-rich food can make you sick. Sodium is a type of mineral that is very important for the body. It is a type of electrolyte that control blood pressure. Along with this, it is good for nerve cell function. But let us tell you that its overuse can cause kidney and heart disorders.

Hello and welcome to our channel kidney treatment without dialysis, where we give you significant information related to kidneys, and we also talk about ayurvedic treatment for kidneys.

Today in this video, we will tell you about a low sodium diet. We will also know, But before starting, please subscribe to our channel and press the bell icon.

Generally, you should take 2.4 grams of salt for the whole day, but those who have heart disease must consume only 1.05 grams of salt. Let's understand some low sodium foods.

First is Apple. It is said that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. It has low sodium and kidney patients can easily eat this.

The second is Orange. If you consume oranges, then it kepps you away from many pronlems. Orange comes under low sodium dist. Orange has enough liquid that detoxes your kidneys and helps the kidney to work properly. But kidney patients should not consume this.

The third is Banana. It is also low sodium fruit. Banana has potassium in the right amount that does not let blood pressure increase. But kidney patients should not consume.

The fourth is Spinach, which has the right amount of water and helps the kidneys detox your body properly. But remember that kidney patients should not eat this as it can increase uric acid.

Next is Carrot. The special thing about carrots is that a kidney patient can also eat this. It has a very less amount of sodium, and it is rich in various vitamins and minerals.

So, these were a few low-sodium foods.

So, that's all for today. If there is any problem in your kidney, do not ignore it, and if you want to take treatment for your kidney, then Ayurvedic treatment is the safest. Because in ayurvedic treatment, there is no harm to your kidney. If you want the best Ayurvedic treatment for kidneys, then you can contact Karma Ayurveda for this.

Karma Ayurveda gives you a natural treatment that does not harm your body and keeps you away from problems like dialysis and kidney transplants. If you have kidney problems and want a better solution, you can contact Karma Ayurveda.