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Health Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil has been doing the rounds of the health sector for quite some time now and within reason as well. Among the many types of olive oil that are there, extra virgin olive oil has proven to be one of the most sought after oils to use to ensure a healthier life in the longer run. But how does it help you ask? Let us take a look.

How Using Low Cholesterol Oil Helps

Good and bad cholesterol are both present in our body. It is of the utmost importance that to maintain a healthy body, the good cholesterol levels are higher in the body and bad cholesterol levels are low. If bad cholesterol levels in the body increase then it might end up having longer repercussions on your health. Hence it is always good to choose cholesterol free oils. Have a look at other reasons here, specifically keeping olive oil in mind.

Top 3 Recipes to Use Olive Pomace Oil In

Any recipe that has olive oil in it comes out absolutely beautiful no matter which olive oil is being used. This holds true for olive pomace oil too. Though you can use pretty much any olive oil in the following recipes, except maybe extra virgin olive oil, olive pomace oil makes for a healthier, cheaper alternative for sure. Have a look at these recipes.

Best Oils to Use to Lower Cholesterol

If you are someone who is suffering from high cholesterol levels, we are sure that your doctor must have told you to steer clear of certain food products. Home cooked food is always better when it comes to controlling cholesterol levels, however,

Olive Pomace Oil and Its Types

Similar to the parent olive oil, olive pomace oil itself has different types. Know more about them here. Do you know what exactly olive pomace oil is extracted from? Well olive pomace happens to the be the solid residue that is left post the finishing of the olive oil extraction process. From this further oil is extracted with the help of certain solvents.

Top 5 Benefits of Using Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Did you know that in regions where olive oil was manufactured people tend to live longer lives? This is essentially because they use the oil on a daily basis. We know you might have heard olive oil is one of the healthiest oils available to us. However, there are a lot of varieties of olive oils available from which one can take their pick.

What Are the Benefits of Olive Oil for Our Hair and Skin

Did you know olive oil makes for an amazing asset for our skin and hair? Here are a couple of benefits that it can give them.

It goes without saying that all of us pretty much want a perfect skin and healthy and visibly shiny hair, do we not? This in turn makes us spend tons on various expensive treatments. If that doesn't seem to work, we decide to splurge on products available in the market which say that they might address a concern or two we might have! A lot of times these remedies or treatments do not end up working and you just end up wasting your money.

What we need to remember is that a few things that are already present in our pantry could pretty much work some amazing miracles without much effort.

Enter the power of olive oil! Olive oil for face and for the hair, when used in the right manner, could end up producing some amazing results. Results which some of the most expensive products or treatments selcom can give. So how does this actually happen and what are the actual benefits that olive oil gives to our skin? Have a look!

Change To Olive Oil To Stay Healthy And Fit

Olive oil keeps us healthy and hearty. It’s possible because of its truly active and useful ingredients including vitamins, friendly fatty acids, and antioxidants. Learn about the health benefits of olive oil and improve your immunity.