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7 Lath Victorian White Clothes Airer Kit Only

This is one of our best energy-saving devices which can save you over £250 of electricity a year by not using your tumble dryer, helping you to live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. It also helps to protect your fabrics by not turning them into the blue fluff you find in the dryer filter.

Easy to install with very few tools required.

Age-old easy operation since the Victorian times by simply using the rope and pulleys to raise and lower the items you are drying.

Lighting Options That Save Money

One of the quickest ways to reduce energy bills is to switch to energy-efficient lighting alternatives. You will save so much every year by replacing your home’s five most commonly used light fixtures or bulbs with versions that come with energy efficiency ratings. Invest in Energy saving lighting (LED & CFL) for bringing home high-quality goods that not only work well but also save you on bills.

12W LED Driver Transformer LED driver transformers are needed instead of standard 240v to 12v transformers commonly used for halogen bulbs. Without an LED driver transformer there is a possibility that the led lamp will either not work or flicker. If an LED lamp does work with a normal transformer, the LED light will have a significantly reduced life and will fail after only a few hours.

25mm Jablite HP General Purpose Insulation Board 45cm x 120cm

Jablite HP is grey in colour due to the carbon additive which acts within the boards to disperse and reflect heat radiation. This gives the boards an improvement in thermal performance compared to white EPS. Jablite HP insulation has been tested and approved by the British Board of Agrément (BBA). Certificate number 87/1796 Product Sheet 4.

Heating Thermostats In UK - United Kingdom

The heating thermostats » simply switches the system off or on whenever needed so that a consistent temperature can be managed. At home, room heating thermostats switch on heating when the room is cold and once the temperature has approached the level set, the programmable heating thermostat switches the heating off.