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Candle Wax Reading How Psychic Work in Different... - futurepointindia

We all know that future is unpredictable but the more unpredictable it is, we are all the more curious to know about it and what’s in store. For the same curiosity, in the recent past a lot of practices and sciences have developed that are working to predict and foretell a person’s future life and upcoming important events. One of such recent methods that have developed to analyse and predict an individual’s future is through the medium of candle wax reading.

A candle wax reading is somewhat similar to the other method which is tarot card readings and the tea leaves reading, where in the symbols that are formed by wet tea leaves inside the tea cup are read to interpret an analysis but here in a candle wax reading, the drippings of candle wax in the water are read and analysed to predict the future.