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Depository System

A capital market is a market where investors buying and selling of securities take place. Capital markets can be divided into two types: primary and secondary markets.

Top Multibagger Stocks for 2022

There are multiple ways to" How to find Multibagger Stocks? Some of the prime factors to find out multi bagger stocks are Strong industry tailwinds , Strong M.O.A.T , Capable Management and much more which we will be discussing in this article .Stocks that give returns that are several times their costs are called multibaggers. Multibagger is an investment that provides a good amount of returns more than its cost, or you can say, Stocks that Gave more than 100% return is known as a multibagger. If you want to find multibagger stocks for next 10 years you can read our blog.

What is Depository System and its functions in Indian stock market ?

A depository in the stock market is an apex organization or unit in the depository system. A depository’s meaning in the stock market is similar to a bank where depositors or investors can deposit or withdraw money or securities. In the same manner, an investor can deposit and withdraw his shares in a depository. If you want to know deeply that What Is Depository , read our blog.


There are various categories of trading in the stock market. Each of these trading strategies fulfills different financial goals of the traders based on their views towards the financial market and the duration they wish to stay invested for. Terms such as positional trading, buy today sell tomorrow (BTST), sell today buy tomorrow (STBT), intraday trading, swing trading, etc are some prevalent trading strategies employed by traders with the hope of deriving maximum profit from market fluctuations. Broadly, these trading methods can be categorized into “Long-Term” and “Short-Term” trading strategies.

Heranba Industries IPO

Heranba Industries, founded in 1994 is one of the prominent players in the agrochemical industry. Agriculture is the most primitive means of living that laid the foundation of civilization which eventually introduced the concept of a better standard of living which paved the path for the agricultural revolution.

How can you Gift Stocks

Read our blog regarding How can you Gift Stocks to your friends and family members or relatives.Nowdays a best gift can be stocks which will have its value and it will be appreciating in value and price.All brokers have their own way to gift stocks, our blog will help you to better understand that how this process works.

Heranba Industries Ltd IPO

Heranba Industries, founded in 1994 is one of the prominent players in the agrochemical industry. Agriculture is the most primitive means of living that laid the foundation of civilization which eventually introduced the concept of a better standard of living which paved the path for the agricultural revolution.

stock market

Stock Market Basic Course is designed for those who want to learn stock market from scratch in the most simplified and practical way.